January 2023 - Sorin Solutions

Sorin Solutions

solutions workout at home work wherever you are

Month: January 2023



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Do you want to evolve?
It’s good like that, why should we change?
You reach a point…
An intersection with many roads…
Raise your finger up.
You don’t feel a breeze.
Lots of ideas!

You want to do different things.
Feeling too little about the idea of evolving.
You are too short to evolve.
You don’t know that the walk or the beginning of a new one!
Have no idea if it is evolving in the direction you thought.
Your written plans are full of question marks.
The unknown is too big and too much fog!
The importance of a beginning comes with…
Diversity of things that at a given moment…
He doesn’t put up with the disjointed effervescence of the effects…
Resulting from the credibility deduced from the knowledge.
You should create a goal!
Well, the plans you wrote…
Ideas coming from all sides…
You look like an idiot!
Creating endless possibilities for mental growth.

Personally detailing the interior imposed by evolution.
The package is not as you hoped.
Better not hope.
Get to work.
Put the ideas on stage.
Don’t think about how smart you are…
Detachment is equal, somewhat, to learning.
Learn as much you can from the field you want to be developed for you.
You have ideas in your head to build beds…
Those borders in various models or…
Boxes on which to place a soft or hard mattress…
Depending on the back pain.

Constructions that depend on skill.
Ideas come from the need for balance.
To have the wooden fur in your hand…
Talking to you (you seem crazy, not that you aren’t)…
The third eye opens and…
What is observed in nothingness…
A pleasant model of distant spring.

The project you describe on an A4 sheet.
Off the sheet…
Built with care.
The attention is directed towards an amazingly pleasant present.
Mentally, you come to terms with yourself.
How many different models do you build?
Skill increases with time.

You become one with your constructions.
The pride of finishing each project…
It reads on your face…
Become serene through the achievements you have made.
Goals made a reality.
Evolution is at the beginning of every project.
The completion of the project will not be.
Every minute you demand from yourself what others cannot offer.
Opening the eyes of every nail or screw.
Every plan is developed on your ideas.
Learning to create a race for yourself on the climb.
“Can’t I do this?”
Everything you do…
Of his weight…
The work is equal.
Put the effort of the construction towards a successful evolution.
The importance of high monetary expectations…
She is welcome.
He can’t come right away.
Maybe you are not the lucky one with massive sales.
Sales can crown the psychic visualization of the objectives.
Plans included with these prosperous sales.
Evolution does not need much money.
Your insides startle at how well-seen your work is.
Including all the learnings discovered with each content…
Shown in the nights sleeping with open eyes!
There is a small problem.
In your psychic ascent with the steps of your work…
Hiding inside the work done.
You become introverted!
The communication with which the brain shrinks is stopped.
Meaning that the sorting of people is ongoing and non-stop.
What to see?

The incessant talk with you!
Reading various books that help your evolution.
It looks like you are becoming a freak on the outside.
Other great attention must be paid to ideas to…
DO NOT give in to those who are envious and manipulative.
You own the mistakes and continue working…
First of all with you!


On this topic…
Many eyes are touched!
The ears are pricked.
Curiosity becomes accentuated!
The beginning “tomorrow” is not current!
By the power with which you are endowed.
Inner minds spoke!
The attraction to a trend is not developed at all.
In vain the maximum advertising!
“30 minutes of daily movement is good for the body!”
The inclusion of constructive instruction adulated by the subconscious is brought about by the emphasized unclear objective.
Requesting only an illness comes.
Signaling an accentuated fattening which…
It comes with heart disease and diabetes!
The decision to move…
Even an alert walk of about 10,000 steps a day…

It becomes a real chore!
Maybe, at the deafening indications of outside voices…
You are starting a long-term project.
The moment you give in is near.
You start with the outside voices.
Your interior does not want this job at all!
Thoughts prioritized physical exercises…
They are developed with the escape of movement.
The pace of evolution is tiny in these cases.
Working with you is important.
Initial acceptance of the…
These are easy exercises with few repetitions.
Teaching the body through physical exercise.
With small steps towards…
Don’t give up tomorrow.
Resuming the simplistic training.
Developing a discipline pleasing to your interior.
Succeeding in many inner words…
To get to understand that you are the owner of the future…
Pretty healthy…
In an accelerated crescendo.
Jumping brilliantly …

Obstacles evolutionary passions.
Asking you that every day…
In which you wake up.
You open your eyes visualizing the morning on this earth.
Ease of realization that you can meditate.
Prayer brought the deity.
Attracting beneficial energies!
Strong thoughts moving towards those few minutes of movement.
Discovering through the boredom of routine…
To ask you for the next step.
Increasing the number of repetitions.
Appealing to the diversity of exercises.
Creating multiple exercises covering not certain groups.
Surprising you with the speed of the executions.
Exceeding your expectations.
Climbing easily and safely towards the mentality of not being the monument of giving up…
Continuation of training.
Discovering your skills is imposed on us by the majority.
Open to execution news.
News brought by the evolution of fitness.
The boredom of repetition is a package you cannot get rid of.
Escape from the recesses of the brain.
Excluding some fads.
Finding various reasons for failure.
Awakening in your feelings of the eradication of the imposition…
Development of the read requirements of the body.
Trying to update what you want as the minutes pass.
Muscle toning, strengthening the body, finding integral health.
Unwanted change intervenes.
You evolve from these taboo physical exercises.
Why didn’t you think that…
The movements made by animals can become physical exercises.
Realizing that most kung fu kicks are associated with animals.
Why don’t you come with an early update?
Developing a workout with those beneficial movements!
With the surplus of enthusiasm for self-discovery…
You begin to associate your own self with…
You develop extraordinarily internally.
Meaning characteristic evolutionary pluses…
The hardening of the external clay…
Beautifully sculpted with pleasant training time.
Going from how hard you started to…
How hard you started training!
Visualizing out of the corner of my eye, accidentally…
In a mirror…
Your updated body!

Surprising small effects of somatic muscle growth.
The long wait for the hard forays into this world.
Ending too.
Not at all putting these thoughts in the background.
Plus with the trembling exaltation of …
Positive thoughts!
Being guilty of…
You train daily!
This is the inquisitive eyes of the envious marginals!
Every day of yours starting with…



  • overhead presses sandbag 10 x 12
  • overhead press band 4 x 24
  • front raise band 4 x 17
  • lateral raise band 4 x 15
  • standing reverse fly band 4 x 21
  • upright row sandbag 4 x 15
  • shrug 4 x 21



  • biceps curl 10 x 12
  • overhead triceps extension 10 x 12
  • biceps curl alternating band 4 x 24
  • triceps kickback band 4 x 24
  • hummer curl band 4 x 24
  • triceps push down 4 x 24
  • pike push-ups feet on bench 4x 18

The training was completed in fifty-seven and forty-two minutes.
Ended with multiple victories, and the end of new training.
Development is carried out in own creation.
Raising self-esteem to the rank of evolution.
Expectations are quickly exceeded by a mind open to the new.
Changes are everywhere.
Keeping pace with going forward.
Sometimes increasing the pace.
Managing to break down closed thoughts…
In parts of creating interior solutions.
Surpassing yourself in the place with these thoughtful ideas.
Getting to self-evaluate yourself in terms of independent control.
Hiding the astonishing state of wonder!
Open soul in continuous change.
Never giving up on you!



Whose jealousy is more pronounced?
Women or men!
The battle is equal equidistant…
Everyone has their life!
It feels a certain way!
No one looks like the other.
In some people, it is accentuating…
In others, it is completely missing!
We should be responsible for our lives.
We are not!
As individuals deal with personal problems differently.
We often link them to those from work!
Let’s think a little!
There are people who…
Full of jealousy…
I tend to believe that it is implemented by external factors…
From childhood parents.
With increasing age in some people, it becomes more pronounced.
Others have inner lives and…
Sometimes it explodes!
Sight …
It is NOT what it seems!
Somehow out of the ordinary…
The other person…
Be it a man or a woman!
He feels the need to meet other people of the opposite sex.
Sometimes out of the need to socialize and so…
There is and persists the exclamation…
“It is NOT what it seems!”
Moving on to the exterior unveiling…
Stripping induces external experiences on both sides involved.
The exclamation is superfluous!
It happened to happen.
This is how you were left by God to be.
To externalize with the inside of the other.
There are no parties that say that…
“You pushed me to do this!”
No one pushes you from behind to cheat!
Not even the devil.
The interior choices are entirely yours.
Responsible for why you urge and to what!
Your decisions must be made rationally.
Nothing pulls or pushes you.
You don’t need a scale to weigh!
The other side…
Of the pure innocent!
They are few in number!
A little bit non-existent!
Those who do nothing…
Not a step towards cheating.
The person next to them is very jealous!
Suspicious no matter what I do!
What to see?
There really is smoke without fire!
Be careful not to do anything wrong!
You wake up to be accused of I don’t know what stupidity!
Endless discussions based on what happened!
Quite large and extremely good arguments.
The other side not understanding at all…
Your pure feelings.
Purity is born from old infancy.
Accusing yourself of the searing non-existence of a libertine heart that does not exist on the other side.
The other feels safe only by keeping you on the “leash”!
Possibly giving you a “chastity belt”!
They are expanding the imagination with the likeness of a “snot”!
The multitude of arguments not making room among the unbelievable accusations.
The evaluation made by psychologists is similar to a disease.
Curable in time…
With medication and external support.
Many trips to a psychological office!
It is NOT too easy to treat!
It is important that the partner understands what he is going through.
To take strict measures.
Continuing to be cautious and with…
Calmness to discuss these experiences.
Many are experiences of unforgotten tragedies.
Working with these people endlessly…
Seeking to discover the hidden subconscious of this experience!
The hardest part is understanding the other.
The easiest part is to overlook and…
Don’t start fixing what can be fixed.
By drawing many external conclusions.
Past jealousy in the psychology textbook…
It is a treatable disease…
With the will of the person in question.
Will that become a significant weight…
With increasing age.
Acceptance and understanding are important.
Things that are pretty tiny.
Irreparability becomes irresponsible.
Most often …
At the first signs of irritability!
The other person runs as fast as his legs can take him.
“Suckers”, those fools who think that…
Within the untouched reasoning itself…
It can be fixed…
Awareness, perception, calmness of life.
I remain with the inner credulity of diminishing diseases in depth.
With expressed will and love…
There is a belief that everything can be fixed.
Indifference and not attributing pure feelings…
There are things sicker than…
Jealousy itself!
Live with love!


Leaving aside the feelings that sometimes kill!
Is there jealousy at the gym?
The eyes pulled under the eyebrow!
The other one looks good on you!
Not looking back like you…
You’ve been training for and…
The body did not enter the process of change.
Intervening enough external factors that you listen to blindly.
Credulity that attracts this envy…
Leading to a fit of special jealousy.
Sometimes giving in!
Moving on to the part about the start.
Finding reasons not to exercise at the gym!
Being able to overcome that increased envy.
Confused with laziness and lack of motivation to exercise.
Mute facts back in your recreation space.
Undisciplined continuing with other disciplines…
Sometimes insatiable for the body.
Working with you…
Putting you the excess fat unmitigated and…
Shortness of breath at the slightest effort.
The lowest force lifting a heavy bag.
Insemanad 10 kg/bag!
Inducing facts that ensure your lives are brought from the outside.

Like everything you do…
With some expressions not reaching the end…
The routine start a normal day.
Getting rid of the old comfort with weight.
Remembering him sometimes.
Giving in simply and without honesty in those days.
Discomfort induces these states of envy.
Only you forget that these gyms were established to be used.
Sometimes more often a medical office.
Dispelling the myths inside you.
Creating feelings of self-growth…
Sometimes exceeding the internal burden of credibility…
Speaking of non-science not exact.
Going beyond levels of the transcended self.
Hardly coming back to you.
Performance pride induces states of euphoria.
Destroying parts of external stress.
Reaching in itself the subjugation of pride.
Placing, in the end, your own person.
Health becomes the first thing.
Not giving up training at all.
Continuing to prevent old envy.
Everything boils down to the contest with you.
What’s next?
To attract envy!



  • squat 10×12
  • hack squat 10 x 12


  • Bulgarian split squat 4 x 12
  • sumo squat 4 x 15
  • chair squat 4 x 15
  • stiff leg deadlift band 4 x 21
  • leg extension band 4 x 21
  • standing single leg curl band 4 x 17
  • standing calf raise 4 x 32
  • seated calf raise 4 x 32


  • kneeling crunch band 4 x 24
  • bicycle crunch 4 x 42
  • crunch 4 x 32
  • reverse crunch 4 x 21

Training was performed in one hour and twenty-eight minutes.
It was tough.
winter is spectacular.
Hibernation induces irreplaceable states.
Internal things happen that you cannot describe.
Diverse emotions!
Getting to describe yourself in forgotten simplicity.
The long autumn passed over the idea of rebirth.
The unexpected spring…
Almost invisible to pass to the next step.
Train for yourself.
Do not listen!
Don’t look!
Get to work!



Life is living!
Living without wanting to…
They are full of thought obstacles.
The decisions we are calling for…
Uncontrolled pressing thoughts.
I bring of itself…
Through the roar of the wind passed through…
The deafening ear bends towards…
The impossibility of creative surprises of attempts.
Trying the diversity of things that…
They make us useful.

Utility wan…
At some point, it gives in…
Finding the objective we were looking for.
The shots met the main objective.
Forgotten and fruitless searches…
The wonder is that they give in.
Most people reach the hard point…
A massive wall!
An obstacle appeared …
As if out of nowhere.

Not planned at all!
Feeling like you’re in a boxing match!
With direct hits…
Left/right – uppercut

You hardly wake up from a knockout!
Some rise up and become strong.
Others give in and end their search.
Don’t work with them…
To them, in their soul…
There are these short circuits that…
Alerts innocuous stimuli.
Giving in to the beautiful obstacle!
Giving up is not a solution!

To have the strength to look for non-guilty solutions…
It is an approach to demolishing the high wall.
Searching for as many solutions as possible…
It leads to the shrinking of the wall!
It’s not easy at all.
The hard part starts you wake up from the KO!
Get up!
You meditate, you pray, and you breathe deeply.
Look for the third eye!
Collect positive thoughts!
Extract from people…
From socializing with the people you interact with!

What must be understood by your brain!
The gentleness of the skills necessary to fulfill the created objective.
That doesn’t mean you have to feel influenced!
The only one who can influence you is…
Good and great God!
Along with powerful positive thoughts.
Your improvised reactions in finding the best solutions!
This is by extracting yourself from the inside of finding the culprits.
Finding these culprits in hitting this obstacle.
It doesn’t help you get up…
To continue climbing the wall.
Jumping over the obstacle with power, you continue to live at the same level…
What are you used to?

Continuously learning what is necessary for you.
Reaching forward…
To raise your head from the ground, ardently looking at the sky.
The hope of raising the barrier over the obstacle that…
Appearance seems insurmountable!
Managing to get over a single obstacle…
The feeling of invincibility is created in your brain!
It remains to be aware that…https://bit.ly/3IUuH6P
Learning to find the best bras for you.
NOT what those you interact with say and…
I give their opinion of those who have overcome some obstacles in their way…
Seeing the difference in the growth of the wall…
Observing the width of these colors…
Not going through the impromptu weight…https://bit.ly/3IUuH6P
Raising the size of the wall above…
The fences raised by you!
Bringing life’s sights into view…
New developments to track your changes.
The developed good is found through searching…
Mathematics lives by proving that…
How much you search inside you…
To work with you.
Overcoming the obstacles that appeared.

Learning everything beneficial for you!
Trying your hardest not to go around his obstacle…
Worse …

Give up everything!
Don’t want to get up anymore.
Saying “That’s it!”
It was mean that…
You are broken inside!
The fight is not to defeat yourself!
Fighting with you from hard to beat you.
The competition that leads you constantly to win a beautiful life!
Jump headfirst over …
All obstacles appeared!


Fitness training does not appeal to you!
There is a weight inside you…
You can’t make a good decision to…
Overcome the power that holds you back to…
You get moving with fitness training!
Seeing only the beauty from the outside!
Without escalating the mirror that…
It keeps you in the starting place.
Failing to start.
Falsifying the start with the various reasons that appeared in…
Visualizing many obstacles that keep you…
The mirrors.

Aiming above the scale.
Messing around with food.
Excluding the dishes of your taste from the menus!
Feeling like years behind you…
They become a real insurmountable burden.
Waking up at some point…
From gathering many unrestricted reasons…
Looking up with specific spite.
Asking heaven what…
Obstacles you have imposed on yourself.
Not passing them in any way!
The first brick laid…
It immediately helped you to…
Add ten more!
Making it difficult for you to decide to see your interest in being…

Healthy the day of his life.
Taking nice steps back.
You can hardly match the following…
The climb to the healthy mountain of the coming years.
You stop at the base of the mountain.
“It’s hard to climb it!”
Nothing is easy.
You are the one who sets these insurmountable targets.

Imposition that comes from not researching.
Fear of learning what is good for your body.
Without listening to the inner demands.
What the organization is willing to do for you.
The effort to which he is willing.
Aggregations on days off.

Other reason not to do a fitness workout.
Prolonging some chores around the house to the extreme.
The fatigue imposed by your insides.
I slow down self-knowledge!
Refusing to follow the steps to good health.
Without accessing a life off the beaten track…
At the opening of the doors of various doctors.
Unimpressed by the closed mentality.
The same thing is found in them.

Too few research the next step to climb.
Putting aside high barriers!
Lifting helps the sheer toughness of crossing the main obstacle.
The very person is responsible for the humble requirement of winning the contest with you.
Solving the visual integrals of life.
Finding the common words for each efficient jump over an obstacle that…
Glance it seems insurmountable!
By working with yourself you reach the passing step…
The bridge is ready to fall…
Fighting with inner fears, he passes it variably quickly.

Reaching the introversion you don’t even expect.
Becoming with time the realization of the best “YOU”!
The training to follow is not …
Only to perform increasingly difficult physical exercises!
It is to improve the psyche.
To go through the fires of life with the sword of lies.
Never removing the pistol from the sheath.
Defeating the outside powers that…
They are not conducive to your evolution.
Without ever stopping from climbing your own mountain.


Any exercise performed with full concentration…
It leads to the activation of the whole body.
Pulsing throughout the body the unsteady blood.
Not feeling like stopping from the category…
“I have to be able to!”
“The next one will be harder!”
Being your target
“Not a day without training!”
Leaving aside the days…
The fatigue that keeps you in place.
Defeating these objects by…
Imposing the success of the race with you!



  • floor presses sandbag 10 x 12
  • pull-ups trx 10 x 12
  • standing chest press band 10 x 17
  • bent over row sandbag 10 x 12
  • decline chest press band 4 x 24
  • renegade row sandbag 4 x 15
  • incline chest press band 4 x 24
  • seated row band 4 x 21
  • standing incline fly sandbag 4 x 12
  • lat pull-down band 4 x 21
  • chest dip trx 4 x 18
  • row tx 4 x 24
  • clean & press 4 x 8

The training lasted one hour and twenty-seven minutes.
The execution pleasure was great.
Eliminating electrolytes…
It was not very pleasant.
The requirement to drink water is quite high.
Completing series by forcing quick execution.
Leading to impulses of concentration.
Psychics do not attract any part of those gathered in the mind.
Visually staying on the movement reminder.
The importance of each repetition becomes essential.
Collecting honors muscular majorities.
Not the case you joined on the day in question.
In the chest exercises, you are massively helped by…
Strong triceps and shoulders.
Not wanting what is born in the end.
Being pleasantly impressed by the size of the adjacent pumping.
The need for back muscles to widen…
Imposing that the arms move away from the body…
“Is that why I should go to the gym?”
“Let’s go full!”
Prehistoric decisions accumulate informational baggage!
It leads to the induction of making minimal efforts for the failing evolution of your health.
Follow your best instincts!
Go over the hardest obstacles with your head up.
Defeat yourself!
That’s how you win!

Practical Tips for Improving Your Posture and Reaping the Benefits
You’re looking for a way to improve your health without joining a gym or drastically changing your diet. The solution might be simpler than you think: improving your posture. Poor posture can lead to countless aches and pains, not to mention illnesses caused by decreased oxygen intake in the lungs.

Fortunately, you can reap the rewards of having proper posture by making a few practical changes. Sorin Solutions explores why good posture is so important and how it can benefit your overall health and well-being.
Benefits of Having Good Posture
Living with good posture helps to reduce stress on your muscles and joints by keeping them in alignment. As a result, you might experience less neck, back, and shoulder pain throughout the day. You may also notice improved circulation; proper posture allows more oxygen to travel through your body, boosting energy and concentration.

Moreover, maintaining proper alignment during exercise prevents injury. So if you’re an avid gym-goer or runner, improving your posture could maximize the benefits you reap from working out. On top of that, good posture can boost your self-confidence because others perceive those with upright postures as being more confident in their actions.
Tips for Improving Your Posture
Upping your posture game isn’t hard, but it does require discipline and practice. Here are some practical tips to get you off to a strong start:

Invest in ergonomic office furniture: If you work at a desk all day long, purchasing an ergonomic chair or adjustable desk will help you maintain proper alignment while sitting down for long periods of time. While you’re at it, think of simple ways you can reduce the stress in your office. Creating an efficient storage system for your paper documents and developing a daily decluttering routine are excellent starting points!

Stand taller: Standing tall means that your spine exists in a neutral position, your shoulders are positioned back, and your chin sits parallel to the ground. Holding this posture evenly distributes your body weight, reducing the strain on your joints and muscles. If you’re unsure about the idea that standing tall can improve many aspects of your life, just check out one of the many websites committed to documenting celebrity heights. Start with https://howtallheight.com/!

Strengthen your core: Core strength helps support the spine. Therefore, engaging in core exercises like planks and bridges can minimize slouching during long hours at a desk, driving around town, or performing daily household tasks.

Get a firmer mattress: Having a mattress that supports spinal alignment is essential for getting restful sleep. It will allow you to wake up feeling refreshed instead of sore from sleeping on an unsupportive mattress all night long.

Stretch regularly: Stretching increases flexibility, in turn helping you maintain proper form whether you’re standing or sitting down throughout the day. Doing yoga is especially beneficial for increasing flexibility since it focuses on stretching multiple parts of your body without overworking any specific area.

Do breathing exercises: Certain breathing techniques increase aerobic capacity. This promotes better circulation throughout your body and helps you to stay alert, even after hours of sitting down at work or school.

Go to the chiropractor: It’s ideal to visit the chiropractor every few months (or whenever necessary) to fix any misalignment that could contribute to your poor posture. A chiropractor can also address the aches and pains associated with bad form.
Don’t view improving your posture as just another chore on your to-do list — consider it an investment in yourself. From preventing aches and pains to increasing energy levels and boosting self-confidence, maintaining good posture yields countless benefits. By following the tips above, you can experience better overall health and well-being, and you’ll probably see results in no time!

Would you like to read more helpful content or learn about our convenient workout ideas? Visit SorinsSolutions.com today!



The inner voice…
Enter the thoughts in one ear…
They stay in your head and…
An endless debate begins.
Constantly listening to your thoughts.
What to see?
Your interior is always in a continuous transformation!
You try to continue what is left of your subconscious.
The important result from the search for those words not reached at …
Ego tickling!
Me who wants to feel “dressed”!
Cheers to your soul!

Hugs that constantly break down some walls…
Built on the edge of meaningless discussions and without a line directed towards the discovery of the sensational.
Sensational that makes you reborn for a few moments.
Discussions that become unfinished.
The debate does not stop with arguments.
Just with “the words bothered me and I’m done!”
Why not continue with the arguments that bothered you?
It stays in the air and the sky falls on your thoughts.
Things that remain unfinished!
From there I start again with what went wrong!
Why did it stay at that point?
Non-continuation of unfinished acts.
The subconscious intervenes which…
He wakes you up and the internal discussions begin.
Often quite tiring.
Coming out with the arguments at hand…
You can disturb and the final point of the remains is not reached.
It means that you as a person continue with introversion and…
You work from the subconscious without realizing it with the words rastalmaced inside you.
What to see?

Making this spoken gesture…
Surprise accounts will be required.
Hitting unexpectedly and some intention in the misunderstood faith of the person in question.
The words will come naturally!
There are many endless debates going on inside you…
You come to surprising conclusions for yourself too!
The words in question came out at the inopportune and surprising moment.
The hottest internal debates are…
Making a decision!
It’s a shame that the decision should not be taken on the spot!
Think about it…
As they say!
And you keep it like that you come…
Tell him what you decided.
You face different arguments for and against.
Not excluding you!

They all hit you from all sides.
You get to the point where you say in a way!
Get to the person who has to say it…
You come back to other feelings and change your mind.
No wonder you don’t continue what you have been discussing for some time!
It seems that not everything that happens inside you…
You can be expressed externally!
Fears intervene…
Fear not to hurt!
Maybe he won’t talk to you anymore!
May he always be angry with you!
To be scolded non-stop just you spoke what you decided.
Let’s just say that the truth is cruel and hard.
Only that the decisions to speak your faith squirm…
They are not non-stop truths!
They are truths only for you!
The rest are reasoned discussions…
Undigested by anyone!

Endless unfinished debates.
Everything happening in your future.
Don’t let the people around you say that…
” You think too much!”
“You hardly get down to business!”
Decisions continue…
Talk to you!


Tomorrow I start training.
I feel like I’m fat!
The wonder is that you don’t feel that your muscles are poorly developed!
You get tired of climbing a floor.
Or a few stairs!
You cannot easily carry 4 kg of potatoes from the market!
The joints give way!

The liquid inside the joints is leaving you!
None of that!
Thoughts only lead to weight loss.
You gain 200 grams or eat a large meal full of lipids and carbohydrates…

Don’t think of starting a training session!
Refuse training at the expense of food!
“Dying” of hunger!
Or depending on the case…
“Whoever likes me, likes me too!”
“Fat and beautiful!”
The matter of one’s own health is excluded.
Alternative searches for not moving are countless and continuous.
They don’t stop at all!
Always looking for excuses.
You are really busy!

The big struggle is inside.
The voices start saying different things.
Matters that begin so…
Tomorrow I start work.
“I’m going to the gym!”
And you prepare the day before…
You have many reasons not to give up!
And at night in my sleep, some dreams appear.
Unconsciously you wake up in the morning!
All the good reasons from yesterday…
They disappeared in the morning.
The reasons that keep you at home…
They are stronger with every minute spent the proposed time going to the gym!
And look like this…
Tomorrow becomes every day!

The one that keeps you away from health moves…
It tempts you with different inversions of thoughts.
How to start?
By the fact that nothing is easy!
Everything that hard is beautiful!
Discovering your inner self or…
Unpacking it easily to the new old!
Taking a step towards the present!
Looking to the past without questions.
Erasing it with ease…

Going up and down the floors in the block where you live…
Several times a day.
Reasons for the success of changing old thoughts.
Hitting the temptation that engulfs you every time with …
The melancholy of the lazy soul!
Replacing the inner words that say something just happened with…

Gently remaining the intervening ones…
Deciding to go to the gym!
Staying with your great inner decision.
Those long debates.
Crunchy fights have taken a little to the extreme.
Any inconvenience!
The unexpected excludes you from your thoughts.
I stop the need to find reasons at the minute…
To refuse to do something beneficial for you.
Let something happen that causes…
Performing some exercises…
It exists anytime and anywhere.
Walk on the street and you can step crookedly…
Look, this is how you accidentally sprain yourself.
You can put evil into good.
Don’t rule these things out.
The important thing is not to raise them to the rank of a sure occurrence.
Thoughts directed towards these evil things…
At some point, it happens.
You exclude them completely!
All you do becomes totally anxious!
Stressed from everything!
Leaving no room for the new you!
To the present with openness to a new comfort.
The discipline that makes you change your mind…
The inner voice going over neglected topics.
Your responsibility is our induced laziness and fatigue.
Put them aside!
Pull the curtain!
You go up…
You close an extremely large lock on the past…
Perform a 180-degree turn!
“WOW who am I?”
The same person …
With other ideas!
Other daily routines!
Disciplining the training in the regular worship of…
Have a nice meal!
Giving the night deep sleep.
The outer questions of those inquiring eyes…
It becomes a deep ignorance…
Denying topics to develop.
Like this …
Develop a cult in speaking your deliberate thoughts.
Finding indescribable subjects.
Surprising for your subconscious.
Limited causing objects!
What training can do!
The above written…
You can’t find out…
Just trying for long periods of time…
Working with you!
Working hard on those inner subjects.
You’re getting weird!
Easily excluded from your voluntary withdrawal.
The presentation of training is an example.
It is not for all people.
Being part of
“If you don’t try, you have nowhere to find out!”
A gift of extraordinarily developed training all over the world.
Crossfit – a functional training


This example looks like this:

12 SETS OF 8 X 20/10 SECS

  • floor presses
  • sandbag walking lunges
  • trx muscle-up
  • sandbag clean
  • sumo deadlifts
  • sit-ups
  • sandbag thrusters
  • run in the place
  • jumping jacks
  • boxing step-ups
  • Mountain climbers
  • sandbag push-ups


Trying to run the workout…
It lasted 57 minutes of fire!
A training hardness through…
The first part being brought to muscle strength…
The second part is going through your favorite cardio exercises.
Adding a one-minute break between sets…
It brings with it…
The attributed and beneficial consumption of water…
Eliminated through skin pores.
Excluding microbes found and not found in the body.
Finding the strength to submit…
The effort to finish a workout…
Combined with two beneficial causes for the body itself.
Health and…
Listen to the positive inner voice!



Why do we refuse?
How do we say yes to life?
To refuse a good?

All of this is a free choice.
We include sensations of discomfort inside us.
Discomfort that we approve of life is short.
Gathering the present facts through a logic excluded by the crowd.
You end up categorizing your events as…
The next step towards the impulses brought by the inner conflicting states.
We give in quickly if we are not taught with sustained effort.
We are taught to work in the office…
It will be difficult to accept the physical work in the yard.

Refusing this thing is beneficial for the body.
Putting many organs of the body to work.
We forget that we have pain in the joints…
The heart beats in a different way.
I ate with appetite, not refusing…
Food that we used to put aside.
Let’s not forget that we sleep completely at night.
Every hour of sleep is an adulation.
We start the morning with positive thoughts and get down to business.
Releasing all the daily stress of the office.
Anxiety has no place anymore.
I don’t know what it’s like to refuse physical work…
The one that has its benefits.
Let’s just say that the decisions made in your yard…
I totally belong to you!

They are for you and yours.
You accept mistakes easily.
You start over…
Repeating the same work succeeds.
Through the exercise of repetitions…
You will be able to fulfill the current proposals.
You persevere only in the thought that it is…
An inner joy that does not equal any high salary from any corporation.
How can you refuse to say yes to…
To set yourself in motion.
To self-evaluate yourself through your psychic expansion.
The only stress in physical work is…
Carry out the plans you have made.
It’s hard to decide.
Acceptance becomes almost useless.
It’s important not to turn your head…
To look too much at the past.
The written assessment of the future…
You will never know it.
The importance of beginning attempts becomes…
Or it should be your beginning.
There will be some disturbing things at the beginning.
Handling your refusal to…
You won’t be able to!
Impossible not to succeed!
They should not be taken into account.
The serious interior.
The fear that embraces you!
These are the things to which you must say NO!


Refusing to start a fitness workout…
It’s a quick thought that…
He says “I’m not in the mood today!”
Or the various broad reasons that present …
As the main trend is excluded.
Always promising that now…
“This is not the time!”
“I’m too lazy!”
“I have too much work!”

The reasons vary from one person to other!
Each saying no to a movement benefits the body.
Awakened at a not very advanced age with …
Pains he didn’t think about.
Thinking where I’m from.
Continuing the sedentary life with…
Heavy cigarettes, alcohol to your heart’s content…
Refusing the downward trend in…
Activating the body that fails to recover from…
The gloomy aberration of the weight of the serious beginning…
The life you accept with these shortcomings that…
They have nothing to do with money and…
The refusal to create a mountain of health out of yourself.
Health we long for.
We do nothing to keep it in check.
Excluding the diseases that appear thinking about the states of …
The apparent anxiety of stress included.
We as humans…
We are easily influenced by the bad ones.
Easily accept smoking and drinking alcohol.
Doing this work is almost beyond measure.
Only it is something forbidden by most doctors.
Doctors who in turn lead a sedentary life.
Sedentarism I speak of sensibly…
It’s just that they do part of it.

Bringing up the reasons why they don’t move…
The reasons do not differ from those mentioned above.
There are people struggling with the same internal struggles.
Acceptable reasons to get moving…
The inept being immediate.
The idea came to start physical exercises.
It’s creepy!
Watching videos of different athletes who…
They look flawless and do some hard training.
You have nothing to do with physical exercises.
At school, skipping from physical education and sports classes.
The easiest is to say…
“I will never do such a thing!”
“It’s very hard work!”
Look, this is how you indulge in…
Your insurgency born of complacency…
Unnecessary from the reality around you.
To start working with the psyche…
Creating the execution of the exercises in the chapter.
The mind activates some parts of the movements you hope for.
Hope that dies with age.

The age that does not return to that youth full of ….
Objectives not achieved to the unforeseen.
Refusing to start an active part of your life…
It’s the easy part!
The exit from laziness entered through the front door of the soul.
There are easy parts of fitness.
The easy parts of the exercises…
Which we refused at the beginning of…
Being healthy…

Against those who urge you to…
A temptation that…
Surprising or not…
We accept it easily!
What is forbidden is easily irrefutable.
I tend to think that if fitness is banned…
There will be few who will practice it.
What is easy…
Not very attractive!

We want more…
Don’t do more!
We were waiting for it to fall from the sky!
Maybe someone will take pity and give us some health!
This is not possible!
Someone give us his health…
Health transfer is impossible.
Frankly speaking, we should not refuse positive thoughts…
Those yoga or tao exercises…
Done in slow motion or fast…
Depending on everyone’s body.
Most practitioners of yoga or tao…
Qiqong practiced from Tao…
It is performed with slow movements and…
Activates the whole body!
Activating parts of the body that feel deficient.
Excluding pains or…
Making a shield against those who want to defend themselves.
We have many deficiencies…
As humans we have searching periods…
Asking us for non-functional perfection on earth.
From the multiple searches we come to believe that…
The only thing left is to do some things as straight as possible.
Not perfect!
At the time of creation of faith…
Approaches to a prayer through meditation…
We allow ourselves to believe in the imperfection of mankind…
Hoping for a somewhat balanced balance.
Leaning as much possible in our way.
Too little towards the opponents.
Own balance is very important.
Importance not given at all by the various refusals.
Surrendering the weapons to those reasons that urge you to …
More temptations!
We must fall prey to as few temptations as possible.
Let’s leave laziness in its bank and get to work…
With great courage from a strong and healthy…


Which shows that I have it!


  • overhead press sandbag 10 x 12
  • overhead press band 4 x 21
  • upright row sandbag 4 x 15
  • do band pull 4 x 21
  • lateral raise band 4 x 21
  • shrug 4 x 21



  • biceps curl 10 x 12
  • overhead triceps extensions 10 x 12
  • drag curl 4 x 12
  • skull crusher band 4 x 15
  • concentration curl band 4 x 15
  • triceps kickback band 4 x 15

Training finished in one hour and three minutes.
An unspeccted victory to time’s training.
Refusing to believe that I can give in to the difficulties that have arisen.
Almost every day a pleasant workout for your health.
An activation of the body made without any balance.
Looking for some kind of perfection.
It all boils down to applying the basic rule.
“Leave the nonsense of non-existent reasons!”
“Do important things for you!”
Make the training part of your daily routine.
The only person responsible for your body.
The one who comes out of his comfort bubble!
Victor of his soul.
Showing the growing confidence in you.
Shown on the outside with the slow motion…
Excelling in the feeling that each repetition brings to the end.
Believing in your own strength…
With every workout performed!
Refuse to give in!

Start training for yourself!
You have your weapons at hand.
You only have to invest time!
Defeat laziness!
The biggest temptation!



The long and frequent breaks…
The key …
Closed openings of a status soul!
Achievements over the years…
By the difference from one to other!
How do you behave in a society surrounded by trends?


Less what you want with you!
About you making the extended passion…
Safe execution pleasures.
Go to work…
Finding safety every month!
Sometimes waiting for a salary to come.
Not developing anything else from you.
Colleagues perform different jobs…
Fish enthusiasts…

Absorbed by the achievements of an interior building.
Enslaved by an additional income to an assiduous work…
Electricians, masons, tractor drivers…
Some have small shops in the village!
Suckers write…
Fitness enthusiasts.
Aspiring to work with wood.
“Morons” who believe that passion develops…
Over time.

Something is done with pleasure from the belief of those around.
Recently …
In a show…
Two different families.
One in the village who worked her own land with the related equipment and…
Only their family!
Having huge profits!
The household is large!
I was not expecting the monthly salary.
Selling your own products on the market.
The other family living near the city…
The man who worked for the boss on the tractor…
With a minimum wage!
Taking care of the small household and children.
The difference between accepting work from birth and…
Continuing to make money from your own products…
Accepting living today for tomorrow…
Having possibilities for material expansion.
“Laziness is a big bitch!”
The differences are visible!

We have one life…
I don’t think you should live only dreaming.
Work with food and sleep…
He didn’t kill anyone.


He developed people…
Not physically and mentally.
Visions towards the horizons open differently!
Rest has its significance.
We have to consider it!
Our body is created in a certain way.
It asks itself to hibernate.
The signs that you’ve been in vain…
Enough with this laziness…
Excessive rest brings many negative things.
The body goes into regression!
If by chance…
You have developed a cult for a job done in nature…
Winter is coming!
With snow, freezing cold!
Your effort with which you taught the body…
It will regress!
The weather outside induces you to hibernate.
Maximum sleepiness!
Meals enriched with lipids, and carbohydrates.
This is to raise the body temperature.
Hot teas, mulled wine, boiled tuica…
I can keep you company to get through this season well.
Everything is in moderation!
And tea should be drunk in moderation!
We must be careful not with alcohol!
Coming in spring and starting work from where it left off…
Without wanting to, you will notice that…
Lift the hammer and you will breathe hard.
You will start digging…
Your arms will hurt!
Rapid fatigue will set in.
You will sweat quickly at the slightest effort!
We are NOT taught to dose our effort.
Our connections with nature are tiny.
We breathe the air given by her and…
We don’t understand what he gives us.
Bury the ignorance that…
It shows us nothing introversion…
” I know!”
We do not pay attention to what is around us.
Pure science learns from nature…
It is safe to continue with passion…
The ones we want to put aside.
Closing my eyes…
Blindly directed to do what is against our nature.
Listen to your body!
No more breaks!


About 26 years old…

I did a voltage test.
The nurse’s wife got scared!
I went to a cardiologist.
In a free discussion…
This is after he took out the electrocardiogram…
He measured the blood pressure the effort.
Listened to heart!
I was asked if I did any sports.

My life from the age of 11…
It was around sports.
The explanation was that…
Taking a long break.
The body is taught to do physical exercises daily.

Not taking breaks longer two weeks.
The heart doesn’t beat the same anymore.
He does NOT know what is wrong with her.
The large circulation no longer has the same blood flow.
The blood no longer runs through the body at the same level.
Lungs breathing normally to other times.
The small circulation gives the feeling that…
Sometimes it clogs and makes breathing difficult.
Let’s just talk about the somatic muscles that…
It slowly atrophies.
Strength decreases without training.
Noting that the security you had…
Only it is just as strong.
Meaning that mentally you become weak.
Stress enters every pore of the body.
Finding viable and quick solutions with difficulty.

The steps were taken by you…
Not doing the workouts you were doing…
It is not a beneficial solution for your physical and mental integrity.
Paying attention to the execution of physical exercises…
It should not stop!
The long and frequent breaks…
They are real failures…
In the case of those who practiced performance sports…
And not!

The old and new trend…
With enough advertising on TV and online…
It is to move.
Those who were fat.
With a high degree of obesity!

The pain of motion sickness…
Made through the chosen multitude of physical exercises…
Arranged in a pure fitness training…
At the end of training in performance sports…
It is a choice that not all people make.
Some tend to do what they didn’t do.
Plenty of food…
Alcohol as much it contains.
As many kinds of acidulated juices as possible.
Waking up in a mirror…
Preferring non-existence.
Indulging in the depressive form of those current times.
The option they chose…
It remains the wave to which it is tied…
In the depths of old age…
Spoken memories being the basis related to past times.
The pictures and showcases full of medals and diplomas with the role of…
Forgotten stories!
The present will be different.
Forgetting that you have to stay in line…
Preferring to forget about the joint pains…
I want the heart to pulse blood at its long-lost capacity…
You open your eyes on a Sunday morning…
In your brain burning with impatience to…
Sleep in a warm and pleasant bed…
Lazing like a weekend day…
The release you long for all week.
That’s what I think…
Most of the people who walk in front of you!
You through the inexplicable desire of non-affirmation…
Enough to come out…
From the too long break included…
An awakening with “suicidal” thoughts!
Getting out of the bathroom…
In the kitchen full of food…
Performing some squats at will…

Going through some wishy-washy pushups…

Waking up on your back…
Lifting the trunk to the burning pleasure of some crunches.

What more!
Wondering how it would be…
Some selected jumping jacks.



Which shows that I have it



  • squats 7 x 12
  • hack squat 7×12


  • 4 x 24 lunge
  • lunge side 4 x 30
  • split squat 4 x 12
  • leg extension band 4 x 21
  • leg curl band 4 x 18
  • standing calfs raise 4 x 32
  • seated calfs raise 4 x 28


  • heel touch 4 x 32
  • seat in-and-out 4 x 21
  • crossbody crunch 4 x 24
  • v-ups 4 x 21

I hardly finished the training in one hour and thirty-five minutes.
Probably the break from laziness that lasted for a week…
It was not efficient.
Or the states of the body it goes through…
It led to the faulty execution of the training.
There are explanations and reasons.
It doesn’t exist in the tired mind just…
The feeling of helplessness.
The tantrum on the side of dissatisfaction does not long.
Followed by those that do not break down and do not affect.
The pretexts for success are going to be full of satisfaction…
Waiting for the next training…
Not waiting…
The next day, coming on the run.
Hope never dies…
Someone will be there and follow them in faith.
It doesn’t have to be a son or grandson.
Love fitness will be with soul…
Followers who want to surpass the long-awaited “me”!
Get over yourself!
No long breaks!
The choice is yours!



What can a day start with?
To be beautiful and productive.
Let the brain perceive it…
Being an elevation of pleasures…
To live the day to the fullest.
At maximum it’s too much.
It’s not possible!
The studies of those who draw conclusions about our growth.
(What can I say… They can’t anymore!)
Accepting that it is their job.
I say that a few minutes after waking up, go outside…
Take a tour in front of the block.
Enjoy the sun…
If it’s cloudy outside!
This is what “experts” say in health…
Not very beneficial.
Who goes out they get out of bed?
Those who live in the village!
Or they have a house in the city.
And there are few cases.
Little do they realize that…
Raising the hands in the extension of the body…
As if pushing the sky …

He would stand on tiptoe and…
He would say a prayer.
The day would start well.
Let everything happen as it should…
Without hindrances, obstacles, and other difficulties…
He has no one to promise.
The promise would be to get over them well.
With your forehead up…
Adding too much patience.
Master chefs would say that…
Eating a tasty dessert…

Pleasant to the eye!
Delicious beyond measure.
Clinging to the palate…
The taste remains there even after swallowing…
It is an enchantment of joy.
Strengthening the fruitful start of the day!

Difficulties that come out of nowhere cannot stop you from facing them.
The reaction of well-being lasts a little.
Nutritionists would say that a mix of…
Peanuts, nuts, different seeds…
It would bring a substantial intake of protein…
Few lipids, and plenty of carbohydrates!
How would you say it would set you in motion that’s it!
It is said to be an excellent breakfast.
Extremely healthy!
That’s how it is.
It does not ensure too much fat intake.
Who cares about his body…
Adopt this menu several times a week!
There is no need to subject the body to such “toughs” every day!
Nuts are very similar to the human brain.

It is very good for the brain.
Full of protein, few lipids, and few carbohydrates.
Vitamins as much they contain.
Don’t think too much it comes to eating nuts…
In its various forms.
If you leave them in the oven for a while…
To catch a bit of crust.
You throw them a little salt.
Tasty without borders.
You consume them anytime, anywhere.
The pleasure of the taste buds will be maximum.
The rest of the body is and will be vitaminized.
Ready for the urban jungle…
The work won’t be very hard…
Accepted not very easily.
No radical change on the outside.
The change will be internal only.
Taking care of you…
Maintained a little health in the body.
Some small whims give the flavor of the day.
Among them, sweets remain the basis.


Fitness training is not very pleasant.
You put in a lot of effort.
You sweat profusely…
Not all people sweat excessively.
Most change twice a workout.
The effort is not physical.
Everything goes through the cerebral cortex.
The maximum concentration is activated from the head.
The harder you concentrate to finish a series with the related repetitions…
The ending will be drastic.
It will be far too frequent.
Sometimes it can become jerky.
Related muscles will hurt.
You will feel drained of power.
You will hardly recover!
The indication would be to walk…
Exhale and inhale in 3/4 tempo.
Just the indication!
You won’t be able to do it in practice.
Adding a few years of training…
Working with you!

Putting the psyche to work.
Reducing stressors!
Eliminating negative thoughts and other thoughts to…
Beginning of training or along the way.
Emptying the mind of everything.

Not thinking at all.
It’s like being a bit “stupid”!
This means that most Shaolinists are a bit stupid.
Talking to them, the conclusions will be different.
You wouldn’t believe that the most effective repetition…
Done in a fitness workout is…
The one that announces the end!
All receivers transmit to transmitters…
These short circuits announce that it is repetition and…
You mobilize with your whole body…
Maximize your strength by completing the number of repetitions…
Your desire would be to do them without interruptions.
You will be able to!
The workouts are done daily…

It will help you to concentrate deeply.
She is bringing to the surface what is planted well inside you.
It’s not evil that makes you do a good workout.
Does suffering bring good things?
It will not make you eliminate the sufferings of the soul.
Relief is done by eliminating significant releases.
Enjoy every repetition as the first.
To perform series with pleasure.
Feeling that it is refreshing and that the body wants more.
The time allotted for fitness should become…
A habit with delight for your psyche.
The body pushes you to do extreme workouts.
Tasty for the whole body!


Basic exercises make the difference in…
Development of somatic muscles.
Showing the splendor of a quality muscle.
Surprising him in different poses.
Angles that show that it can make a difference of the weight used.
Adding supersets to your workouts from time .
“Get the butter out of you” consciously.



  • floor press 10 x 12
  • trx pullups 10 x 12
  • standing chest press band 10 x 12
  • bent over row 10 x 12
  • incline chest press 4 x 15
  • lat pull down 4 x 24
  • bridge chest press 4 x 15
  • single arm bent over row 4 x 15
  • standing incline fly 4 x 12
  • bent over t-row 4 x 15
  • pullover 4 x 15
  • deadlift 4 x 15

The training lasted one hour and nine minutes.
Boredom did not appear at all.
Continuing with the hope of liberation from the constraint of abusive thoughts.
The multitude of ideas brought in the conversations without solutions.
The pressure of finding these solutions…
Becoming an abusive stress.
The moments of release being extremely small.
The search continues in a way described by the psychic…
Tired of bringing to mind the diversity of the undiscovered…
Decent enjoyment of polluted air.
Decent ascended to the unread multilateral rank.
Enjoy your moments with you!
Enjoy the silence!



Has simplicity become a luxury?
To behave without airs.
To present some issues with simplicity.
Without missing a beat!
The importance of clothing should be somewhere in the middle.
Don’t walk naked…
It is practiced nowadays on social networks.
For as many likes as possible, walk and take pictures naked.
Clean, wash only with soap?
I don’t think it’s possible.
We fill the bathroom with all kinds of creams and liquid soaps…
Bath milk and many other almost useless things.
We are climbing the social ladder a little…
Or we think that we place ourselves a bit higher.
Working harder and hanging out with various people who have had luck and success in business…
And that’s it …
We change cars like socks…
We want the most expensive ones.
If possible the best brands.
If sometimes we go into debt.
The car should be everything.
A few years ago…
Immediately after 1990!
A man stops an old car…
I think it was a shabby Renault.
He gets out of the car with a suitcase in his hand…
Goes to a store to buy something expensive.
He really needed it.
I don’t think he would have bought it if he didn’t have to.
Contacting the seller…
The seller measures it from the looks!
Lord asks for what he needs!
The seller’s response was…
“Do you have money to buy something like this?”
Disturbed by that reaction…
Not visible!
By the way, the gentleman was not wearing who knows what clothes!
He puts the suitcase on the counter and opens it…
” How much does it cost?”
He asked calmly.
To those seen by the seller in the suitcase…
He widened his eyes…
He panicked!

The girl instantly blushed with shame.
The suitcase was full of money!
That salesman’s treatment of those entering the store…
It was the same for any person entering the interior.
The event deeply marked…
He has told it for a long time.
It seems we are of the same mind…
Covered by many prejudices.
We say we want to get rid of them.
Just saying.
To evolve does not mean that we have to wear expensive clothes.
We can read a book in our panties.
A fitness workout…
We don’t have to be dressed I don’t know what equipment he’s seen us!
Other short incidents…
The wife had to change her driver’s license on time…
Go in a day immediately after the end of the service…
She was not very well dressed.
Make-up not much!
The one who was in charge of permits, policemen!
He looks and says to come other days…
He finds a reason to drive me out of my mind.
It goes on the scheduled day…
She was free!
She put on makeup…
He dressed nicely…
The same cops!
The incompetence has changed 180 degrees…
He didn’t refuse anything anymore.
It seems that Jesus sacrificed himself in vain.
Isn’t it a sin to judge too many people from our oath.
I didn’t learn anything!
Learned many things from those who condemned them.
I love what they did!
We do not want to treat a person as he is.
Let’s understand it…
Let’s listen to her!
None of that.
Proud much needed.
Let’s keep it simple…
What is this?
We don’t even think about such a thing.
We are looking for the unknown…
Only at the thought of leaving an existing anonymity.
If we have money…
I don’t know what post I put on the job.
We are developing a business…
Which I don’t keep for more years!
We forget to be us.
As we were born.
Let’s change…
Let’s become other people…
The humbler…
Let’s work more on ourselves.
Evolutionary development is essential.
Let’s learn continuously…
It is important to think about our behaviors.
Let’s evaluate them.
Do not lie too much.
Let’s understand that the people around us…
We must treat them with kindness and understanding!
Let’s never forget…
Of our simplicity!


What could be simplers that?
Dress comfortably…
You choose some physical exercises that you agree to.
You are thinking of some dumbbells and barbells that you can handle easily.
Get down to business!
Give it your all…
As the training of your life!
You don’t give up any series.
Don’t skip a single repetition!
You feel it’s hard on rep from a set…
Take a deep breath and start over.
Don’t give in!

The thought must not cross your mind that…
It’s hard and you can’t do the repetition anymore.
The highlight is that it is simple…
Easy at all!
What is simple…
It is not easy!
As in life…
To behave with simplicity is not easy.
It is easy to behave with pride and arrogance.
In fitness training, it’s a little different…
Do you want effective results?
Adhere to the training that requires you.
Maximum intensity!
Ask if you…
Why do others complain that they can’t?
That seems to the hard work!
Ask that the impossible be a healthy environment in the future.
Being healthy is not easy.
It is or has become a luxury!
The first thing you should think about is…
The main thing is to become more satiated you are!
Like you want expensive clothes and cars…
That’s what you should ask of yourself…
To obtain good and efficient health through…
Daily fitness workouts.
To attribute this luxury.
Include it in your head.
I’m having a hard time!

The weight of simplicity in the truth of a…
Constructive fitness training.
Adored by creatively building a picture of exercises written on the blackboard placed your mind’s eyes.
Everything is arranged with the simple and instructive agreement of…
The cerebral cortex that gives meaning to simple training…
Sending questions to every muscle…
“What exercises do you want to do?”
The muscle response
“I DON’T want that one!”
“Don’t single me out!”
“Ignore me!”

Moving forward…
Thinking about the different simple effects and…
Wondering how to perform them.
Greedy for repetitions…
Assign sets to repetitions without numbers!
Moving on to simple execution…
Muscles I say…
“Force me, I can’t anymore, I’m breaking!”
You realize your greed…
Repeating the exercise a little less.
And look like this…
From what seemed easy…
Simply go to the board and modify.
Let’s show the painting…
Drawn with words…
In the real exercises performed


  • overhead press sandbag 10 x 12
  • overhead press band 4 x 24
  • front raise band 4 x 17
  • lateral raise band 4 x 15
  • standing reverse fly band 4 x 21
  • upright row sandbag 4 x 15
  • shrug sandbag 4 x 32



-biceps curl 10 x 12

  • overhead triceps extensions 10 x 12
  • alternating biceps curl band 4 x 24
  • triceps kickback band 4 x 24
  • hammer curl band 4 x 24
  • triceps push-down band 4 x 24
  • pike push ups feet on bad 4 x 18

Completed training, very easily, in one hour and two minutes.

To time’s training…

I’m talking about shoulder and arm training.
I finished it about five minutes faster.
The work was assiduous!
At one point it was as if I was on a ship.
The lifeboat swayed.
You were seduced by too much “alcohol”!
How simple it is to keep in shape!
You do some simple physical exercises.
“Hey, who doesn’t do these exercises!”
You don’t realize the offense the exercises don’t offend you.
I hit you with a hardness coming out of a strong fist like a door threshold made of aluminum carpentry!
It seems that the pride in training does not lie in simplicity.
Not even in the ease of execution.
In the evolution of each day in which you did not miss training.
Completely enjoying the moods given by this “easy” training.
Yell like the disabled
“God, it’s going on!”
“It doesn’t end !”
In the end, saying goodbye and…
The sign of the cross countless times…
Thanking God for that…
You’re screwed!




What do you mean…
Great and for nothing!
How’s it going…
Small and stupid!
The chores are divided unequally.
Everything that happens is an insurmountable inequality.
Regarding the small and stupid.
Being a child…
Full of knowledge.
You ask questions relentlessly.
If you say something appropriate and…
To age…
It’s pure truth!
No one will notice you.
You are young.
You didn’t know very many things.
The encountered situations are few in number.
You don’t even know yourself a little.
Full of questions with few answers.
You are not ready for answers.
“Why is the earth round?”
The answer will be simple…
“That’s how he is!”
Detailed …
To revolve around the sun like the other planets.
Let the night come…
Let the sunrise in the morning.
May the moon appear famous among the stars.
The important roundness to follow the course of life.
Life lessons…
Like the answers, you didn’t get you were small and stupid…
To receive them through your own learning.
Making countless discoveries through study.
Finding the answers without realizing it.
Piercing the sleeping subconscious…
In search of those questions.
Showing through knowledge…
To those who did not answer your questions correctly.
Small and stupid, now…
Great with the answers and the words to them.
How round the earth is.
How beautifully the wheel of life turns.
Great focus on what you can do with your ideas.
Surprising your loved ones with…
The countless forays through…
The library throws the books on your desk.
Reading what falls into his arms.
Sitting on the book with elbows on the table.
Not forgiving a single paragraph.
Living every letter to the fullest.
Leaving that saying behind.
Being a child bothers me!
Keeping the big questions in the subconscious.
Resurfacing unconsciously seeing what you can try.
Realizing that mistakes can be fixed.
Overcoming any obstacle.
Believing for sure that after death it cannot be repaired.
Climbing the ladder of life…
Countless times.
With the forehead up.
Every day begins with a blessing.


Life stages pass quickly.
Yesterday you were in kindergarten.
Suddenly you see yourself with children.
Becoming a father or mother…
The service giving you a headache.
Daily stress totally engulfs you.
Trying to face the difficulties.
Carandule slightly with the back.
Finding the answers you are looking for.
Needs that you fulfill.
Falling asleep sometimes without blinking.
Sometimes asking you many questions.
Turns out you’ve grown up and…
You got old and for nothing.
Your achievements…
Some of them…
Being unrealizable.
Leaving you spoiled.
You let yourself be easily defeated.
Your studies are being forgotten because…
You are great and for nothing!
Discovering the subconscious that reminds you that…
The answers should not be left…
Small and stupid child!
Collecting everything in a box…
Stored in the cerebral cortex…
Put the hardest part.
To think without borders.
Without putting up fences you didn’t erect.
Subjected to what others say…
Leave it behind it doesn’t…
Raise what you think you can…
Evolving through what discoveries you make outside.
Relying on your own instincts.
Understanding you more and more…
The days show that you are the only one you trust.
Asking you many questions…
Maybe more like a grown child.
Answering my long search.
Developing an ambition for the importance of old age.
Discovering achievement healthy lives.
Health that can be acquired.
The belief is given by the days of attribution to the evolution of the movement.
Leaving aside the ages of the passing years.


The cheapest body care…
Not excluding meditation and prayer!
The body needs movement.
As a child you are allergic…
You play different games.
Solve part of the need for boredom.
Grow and add to your status…
Or you are forced to do a performance sport.
Realizing at the end of your junior year that you have taken up a passion…
A part of you…
Remaining subdued movements.
Exercises that make you feel…
With growing older, in everything!
Realizing that everything is movement.
Any physical movement is exercise.
Developing to maturity through your evolution.
Understanding that the person responsible for you…
Are you?
In vain you try to prove what others do not see.
Growing large and uneven with the thinking of the other surroundings.
In vain only sight and…
From everyone’s point of view.
You can have shortcomings.
No matter how physically developed you will be!
What iron health you will show?
Every eye that sees you will judge you.
Your release is through training for your soul.
Not trying to prove anything.
Don’t talk too much about your passions.
Answering only related questions.
Any topic developed by you about your passions.
You will have negativity and you will be considered…
Depending on everyone’s thinking.
Less of those who try to understand you.
Few in number!

The number of people you reduce every day.
You realize that I stand in the way of your evolution.
That you cannot develop physically.
Giving up some habits.
With age, you will realize that your comfort is…
The one you currently accept.
Not the one who was looking for what you couldn’t find.
Throwing yourself into an envelopment of unapproachable needs for you.
That’s not what you were looking for.
The cause was your failure to show up.
The momentary present is encompassed by the damaged subjects.
Many unsolved cultures as you search for the exercises.
Discovering that every workout you missed was…
Loss from the next lifetime.
The decisions of the forgotten discoveries.
Pleasantly impressive inequality given by …
The imperfection found in the physical exercise training.
Triumphant in front of you with every training carried out to the end.
End sometimes painful.
The reason is the adopted exercises.
Little or big physical exercises you do!




  • squats 10 x 12
  • hack squat 10 x 12


  • Bulgarian split squat 4 x 12
  • sumo squat 4 x 15
  • bench squat 4 x 15
  • stiff leg deadlift band 4 x 21
  • leg extensions band 4 x 21
  • standing single leg curl 4 x 17
  • standing calf raise 4 x 32
  • seated calf raise 4 x 32


  • kneeling crunch band 4 x 24
  • bicycle crunch 4 x 42
  • crunch 4 x 32
  • reverse crunch 4 x 21

The training lasted one hour and twenty minutes.
Very much and tiring.
Strong by nature these leg workouts.
I can’t let you dream too much.
Exaggerating in thoughts with escapes from the present.
You realize that your developments…
They depend on your daily life.
Marking an air crescendo inside.

The rest depends…
From small to large…
Imperfectionist inequality!
