Sorin Solutions

solutions workout at home work wherever you are





What do you mean…
Great and for nothing!
How’s it going…
Small and stupid!
The chores are divided unequally.
Everything that happens is an insurmountable inequality.
Regarding the small and stupid.
Being a child…
Full of knowledge.
You ask questions relentlessly.
If you say something appropriate and…
To age…
It’s pure truth!
No one will notice you.
You are young.
You didn’t know very many things.
The encountered situations are few in number.
You don’t even know yourself a little.
Full of questions with few answers.
You are not ready for answers.
“Why is the earth round?”
The answer will be simple…
“That’s how he is!”
Detailed …
To revolve around the sun like the other planets.
Let the night come…
Let the sunrise in the morning.
May the moon appear famous among the stars.
The important roundness to follow the course of life.
Life lessons…
Like the answers, you didn’t get you were small and stupid…
To receive them through your own learning.
Making countless discoveries through study.
Finding the answers without realizing it.
Piercing the sleeping subconscious…
In search of those questions.
Showing through knowledge…
To those who did not answer your questions correctly.
Small and stupid, now…
Great with the answers and the words to them.
How round the earth is.
How beautifully the wheel of life turns.
Great focus on what you can do with your ideas.
Surprising your loved ones with…
The countless forays through…
The library throws the books on your desk.
Reading what falls into his arms.
Sitting on the book with elbows on the table.
Not forgiving a single paragraph.
Living every letter to the fullest.
Leaving that saying behind.
Being a child bothers me!
Keeping the big questions in the subconscious.
Resurfacing unconsciously seeing what you can try.
Realizing that mistakes can be fixed.
Overcoming any obstacle.
Believing for sure that after death it cannot be repaired.
Climbing the ladder of life…
Countless times.
With the forehead up.
Every day begins with a blessing.


Life stages pass quickly.
Yesterday you were in kindergarten.
Suddenly you see yourself with children.
Becoming a father or mother…
The service giving you a headache.
Daily stress totally engulfs you.
Trying to face the difficulties.
Carandule slightly with the back.
Finding the answers you are looking for.
Needs that you fulfill.
Falling asleep sometimes without blinking.
Sometimes asking you many questions.
Turns out you’ve grown up and…
You got old and for nothing.
Your achievements…
Some of them…
Being unrealizable.
Leaving you spoiled.
You let yourself be easily defeated.
Your studies are being forgotten because…
You are great and for nothing!
Discovering the subconscious that reminds you that…
The answers should not be left…
Small and stupid child!
Collecting everything in a box…
Stored in the cerebral cortex…
Put the hardest part.
To think without borders.
Without putting up fences you didn’t erect.
Subjected to what others say…
Leave it behind it doesn’t…
Raise what you think you can…
Evolving through what discoveries you make outside.
Relying on your own instincts.
Understanding you more and more…
The days show that you are the only one you trust.
Asking you many questions…
Maybe more like a grown child.
Answering my long search.
Developing an ambition for the importance of old age.
Discovering achievement healthy lives.
Health that can be acquired.
The belief is given by the days of attribution to the evolution of the movement.
Leaving aside the ages of the passing years.


The cheapest body care…
Not excluding meditation and prayer!
The body needs movement.
As a child you are allergic…
You play different games.
Solve part of the need for boredom.
Grow and add to your status…
Or you are forced to do a performance sport.
Realizing at the end of your junior year that you have taken up a passion…
A part of you…
Remaining subdued movements.
Exercises that make you feel…
With growing older, in everything!
Realizing that everything is movement.
Any physical movement is exercise.
Developing to maturity through your evolution.
Understanding that the person responsible for you…
Are you?
In vain you try to prove what others do not see.
Growing large and uneven with the thinking of the other surroundings.
In vain only sight and…
From everyone’s point of view.
You can have shortcomings.
No matter how physically developed you will be!
What iron health you will show?
Every eye that sees you will judge you.
Your release is through training for your soul.
Not trying to prove anything.
Don’t talk too much about your passions.
Answering only related questions.
Any topic developed by you about your passions.
You will have negativity and you will be considered…
Depending on everyone’s thinking.
Less of those who try to understand you.
Few in number!

The number of people you reduce every day.
You realize that I stand in the way of your evolution.
That you cannot develop physically.
Giving up some habits.
With age, you will realize that your comfort is…
The one you currently accept.
Not the one who was looking for what you couldn’t find.
Throwing yourself into an envelopment of unapproachable needs for you.
That’s not what you were looking for.
The cause was your failure to show up.
The momentary present is encompassed by the damaged subjects.
Many unsolved cultures as you search for the exercises.
Discovering that every workout you missed was…
Loss from the next lifetime.
The decisions of the forgotten discoveries.
Pleasantly impressive inequality given by …
The imperfection found in the physical exercise training.
Triumphant in front of you with every training carried out to the end.
End sometimes painful.
The reason is the adopted exercises.
Little or big physical exercises you do!




  • squats 10 x 12
  • hack squat 10 x 12


  • Bulgarian split squat 4 x 12
  • sumo squat 4 x 15
  • bench squat 4 x 15
  • stiff leg deadlift band 4 x 21
  • leg extensions band 4 x 21
  • standing single leg curl 4 x 17
  • standing calf raise 4 x 32
  • seated calf raise 4 x 32


  • kneeling crunch band 4 x 24
  • bicycle crunch 4 x 42
  • crunch 4 x 32
  • reverse crunch 4 x 21

The training lasted one hour and twenty minutes.
Very much and tiring.
Strong by nature these leg workouts.
I can’t let you dream too much.
Exaggerating in thoughts with escapes from the present.
You realize that your developments…
They depend on your daily life.
Marking an air crescendo inside.

The rest depends…
From small to large…
Imperfectionist inequality!

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