March 2023 - Sorin Solutions

Sorin Solutions

solutions workout at home work wherever you are

Month: March 2023



Blame it on education!
Everyone says we have to go to school.
You go to school you have to.
All kinds of crazy things start to happen to you.
It manipulates your thinking with diversities.
Too little with the essential precursor to going out into the world.
To finish a good college like…
IT, engineering, medicine…
All this to earn a decent to good salary.
The scales are tilted…
Not in your way!
With many stops and attempts to manipulate you that…
You have to work to be the best at…
A reputable company.
To excel!
If you are appreciated…
Very good and you stand out…
Let’s say that at most it makes you a shareholder in the company.
Excluded from your thinking such a thing.
All the higher ups will try to put sticks in your wheels.
To manipulate yourself in such a way that you make money for them.
Don’t ignore school or…
Better said learning!
To learn what interests you.
To discover your skills and passions.
Learn to develop intellectually.
Physical strength appreciated at its great value.
Eliminating states of laziness.
To learn that everything should be constructive.
Turn your mistakes into…
Not in fear!
In future studies.
To show yourself on the outside almost as you are on the inside!
Things based on the possibility of going out into the world.
NOT all of us can be entrepreneurs.
Let’s learn to develop our inner passion.
The development of public speaking should start from kindergarten.
The teachers should work on taking the child out of his little world.
Poems are essential.
The songs show the beauty of the soul.
They should not be excluded.
The concentration must be directed towards the own vision of the one who…
It expresses frivolous sincerity.
No interior hiding places.
Difficult to detect!
Opening up ways of their own externalization.
Not the manipulation of washed-up thoughts develops a heated society.
Thinking like great businessmen of the world.
The top of the important millionaires shows that …
Carried out projects on their own basis.
They did not go to high schools.
They are going to college!
Working hard for their passions.
Expressing his visions in the presence of investors.
Many in number!
No one gives you credibility quickly.
You get countless rejections.
Even reaching the presence of a small depression.
The passion and desire for success succeeds.
The cortex is short-circuited and pushes you towards that feeling of being what you want.
Desire excludes any unsuccessful parts.
Inhibit the fear of failure.
There is no part where you put everything to the test.
“You step on corpses!”
With tagada to come out victorious you.
All this is learned.
Passion must prevail.
You must NOT let fear rule you.
Defamatory words are excluded.
There are some opponents who try to manipulate you.
You being the master of your passions for success.

Learn patience!!!


Fitness training suits every body.

Physical activity takes you to other dimension!

Additional dimensions to suppleness.

Well that we access.

We succumb quickly to heavy fatigue.

Tend to induce fatigue!

We are looking for other jobs to run.

Without thoughts of doing a quiet workout…

To bring out the serotonin…

We exclude physical exercise from our comfort.

Routine containing other conversations in our subconscious.

Being aware that physical exercise brings many benefits to the body!

The benefits brought by fitness training are conclusive if…

Over time it becomes a daily discipline…

An introverted induction only discovered by you.

It is very unlikely that a period with …

Pretty hard training …

At some point you end up wanting to surpass yourself.

This means that you want the physical training to become more and more difficult.

Supporting the idea that you are responsible for your health!

Taking into account the vision of transitions with age!

Realizing that you are sick with…

A variety of diseases that…

You are under control with medicines given and prescribed by the doctor who…

Will tell you that you had better…

“Stop smoking!”

“Reduce fatty foods!”

“Little to no alcohol!”

“Sleep 6-8 hours a night!”

“Let 3 meals a day become a routine!”

“Take around 10,000 steps a day!”

The thing he conveys with a bit of fear that he will run out of words is…

Daily movement, starting with 5-10 minutes a day…

Ending up doing the physical exercises in TRAININGS of an hour or!

Being aware that it has become a routine discipline that you don’t want to get rid of!

That’s if you have half a passion for fitness!

The presence of these cases is limited.

The other part where we find reasons hard to exclude exercise from our passion for socializing.

Hoping that we are what we don’t think we are.

We access with interest what we have no idea about!

Looking with interest at the temptations brought into society…

Which urge us to want vices without number!

The vices we start with fear and pressure brought by “friends” around us!

“Friends” who gossip about us to the max!

Wishing we were sicker them..

Physically and mentally!

The binding of vices is the endurance of external pains!

Hard to surface!

Accepting the denial that…

It can be good for you…

If you give up vices!

Hopes that the combination of vices and training is…

A connection that does not have the same benefits as a …

Reduces the vices that induce our states for the moment…

Euphoric , transcend to, periods of exaltation!

Let’s just say that workouts bring these euphoric states that…

For days!

A 30-minute workout is great for creating a rock-solid body.

Sculpted on the outside, strong on the inside!

You don’t have to do too many days…

2-3 workouts a week are enough.

The reduction of fat layers over time is essential for the majority.

Awareness is profit!!!


Becoming a regular who doesn’t put you in trouble…
Not counting the beginning of the day!
Sometimes the middle of the day from 5 pm onwards!!!
Ambitiously get an exclusive workout for your body idea.
Respecting the nuances expressed in non-visual images.
Discovering that not these gadgets appeared …
Call it VR!
I can open your precocious visions.
Most of the time the neighborhood only appears at…
Closing the eyes and with a little breath…
Access to a visionary development!
Without realizing it, you access fitness training…
Which you didn’t even hope for.
The desire that has no hope for too much somatic muscular development.
Inverting the subconscious with the hope of an iron health.
Keeping away all the diseases that want to intervene in your life!
The week starting with…


What could you start the day with?
The workout you’ve been hoping for.
Denying the facts of weight lifting!
Access to raising the number of series…
To the first superset!
Strengthening the muscles!
Turning to the inner strength…
Collected from external negativity!
You just know…
In their conception…
Nothing you do…
Not a good thing for you!
What to see?
You are NOT interested in what I think and what I say!
Your goals are clear…



  • floor press sandbag 6 x 18
  • trx pullups 6 x 18
  • standing chest press band 4 x 24
  • bent-over row sandbang 4 x 18
  • standing decline press band 4 x 24
  • seated lat pull down band 4 x 24
  • standing incline press band 4 x 24
  • seated row band 4 x 24
  • standing incline chest fly band 4 x 24
  • bent over one single row sandbag 4 x 12
  • floor pullover sandbag 4 x 12
  • sandbag deadlift 4 x 12

Training completed in 43:37 minutes.
Competing with week…
The duration was good!
Gaining a few minutes to execute.
An angry athlete!
Eliminating the doldora stress of the weekend!
The day the course.


A bit of fatigue accumulated from Monday!
Bare-chested pigs…
With the joy of muscle fever!
You bring hope to a training of



  • squat band 6 x 17
  • hack squat sandbag 4 x 17
  • sumo squat sandbag 4 x 18
  • chair squat sandbag 4 x 17
  • chair leg extensions band 4 x 21
  • standing curl leg band 4 x 21
  • standing calf raise sandbag 4 x 24
  • seated calf raise sandbag 4 x 24



  • crunches 4 x 21
  • reverse crunch 4 x 21
  • lying leg raise 4 x 21
  • crossbody crunch 4 x 21

Wanting to be raptured…
You manage to accept and…
You’re beating yourself up.
The training lasted 53:03 minutes.
The thought of failure does not subjugate you.
Contrary …
It inspires you and makes you ambitious!
You never know next time!
Going to ….



Continuity hypothesis…
Treated with the seriousness of the overburdened surplus…
Of the inner access of the soul tried.
Desire always becomes a new attempt.
Hoping for a non-exclusive development.
Bring hope inside you with…
A new training of


Who doesn’t love broad shoulders and…
Strong and prominent arms!
With these thoughts, the trip to the gym begins!
I discover the development situations…
You remain in the discovery stage.
What to see ?
Trying many workouts…
Taken and dedicated…
Paying off!
You feel like punching a hole in the mirror.
Resolutely giving up what does not bear fruit.
Forgetting that our bodies are not alike at all.

You start training with pleasure…
Using the exercises that you didn’t even think about.
The art of body development looks like this


  • standing military press sandbag 4 x 17
  • upright row sandbag 4 x 17
  • do band pull 4 x 21
  • front raise band 4 x 18
  • lateral raise band 4 x 18
  • shrug 4 x 24



  • bicep curl sandbag 4 x 18
  • overhead triceps extensions sandbag 4 x 18
  • alternating biceps curl band 4 x 24
  • triceps kickback band 4 x 24
  • hummer curl band 4 x 24
  • triceps push down 4 x 24

The training lasted 43:32 minutes.
Shoulders to work on…
They are not for everyone.
Follower of harmonious development…
You are being monitored by…
The idea of the subconscious not to miss a single muscle fiber.
See what you can’t see!
Internal muscle development through…
Ample and pleasant breaths.
Obtained by forcing each repetition.
You reach a complex to follow.
Pumping blood throughout the body…
As the good heart asks!
Exasperated by new concepts…
Stay on the ramparts of the old prehistoric thing.
You become a force for the current day.
That’s how you wake up with your mind’s eye towards a famous hypothesis.


An inconclusive training!
Full of HIIT!
Excellent by the method of functionality.
Combining cardio and strength exercises.
A higher necessity of the body that yearns…
At each repetition of the exercise.
In words …
Someone called it CROSSFIT!
This is what the exercises look like


  • 17 kettlebell swings
  • 18 daylifts
  • 16 bo step-ups
  • rest

The training, as in the presentation, was a success.
It looked like you were finished.
Going to the next level.


The of the work week.
The “restful” weekend!
Very active through states of genuine transient emotion.
Being under the Crossfit aspect.
He missed the training, why are you in a good condition.
This it was:

7 SETS OF 8 X 20/10 SECS

  • air squat
    1 min left
  • pushups
    1 min left
  • sit-ups
    1 min left
  • ring row
    1 min left
  • high knee
    1 min left
  • jumping jacks
    1 min left
  • plank hold

As a presentation, it looks excellent.
Without using weights.
You excel by quickly performing as many repetitions as possible in 20 seconds.
Trembling in the cardio experience.
Happy not to give out through …
The sweet expression of sweet success.
It can be done without…
The weights you use to add physical strength.
Based on everyday training.
Discipline must be present.
Not calculated at all.
Without any logic.
Everything is at the will of success.
The winner being…
Profit from you!



Our consciousness works…
To the maximum sometimes!
Not always!
The break he needs…
He doesn’t really need it.
Works hard!
It fights your insides with…
The chosen and unchosen exterior!
With the outer concepts…
Destructive for us.
It makes us not really understand what others want.
Too little for our interests.
It urges us to throw the blame on someone else.
Too little to look inside…
All encompassing from our soul.
Emboldened by the need to exit the failed nothingness of…
Compassion for us.
Exclusion from our need for understanding.
The other presenting the need to turn against you!
You, unable to get out of the bubble you’re in…
From the inside, crushed by the slightly depressed consciousness…
Anxiety that leads to panic fear of seeing what is the eyes…
Curious onlookers to the bewilderment soul incursions…
Left with the heart beating fast sometimes making…
From you the plus voltages are almost tense!
Checked by the doctor from your conscience…
Close to the annoyance induced by your little conscientious understanding.
You can hardly take back what you can do with…
Don’t you think your conscience is working on…
Be able to think that he is starting to make the decision you were hoping for.
The hope that ends up trying to work in slavery…
Climbs to the mountain of the hill seen from below.
Faith urges you to climb…
An attempt must be made!
Conscience says it’s a hard climb…
He says that this weight is impossible to beat.
Lighting the light bulb attempts…
The next rebuke that you didn’t try.
Surplus amounts collected by adrenaline.
Ranking to all this gathering…
It is an intense work of hard-tested consciousness.
Surpassing your eyes as the first desired.
The desire for success!
Success comes hard!
Working with facing the decision…
Inevitable mistakes learned and not run away from fear.
Panic facing mistakes is a free thought…
Consciously talking to your inner self.
Control is meditation of consciousness.
A hard work through the gathering of faith…
Prayer from a gullible soul…
Deceived by what is experienced on the outside, eavesdropping thoughts…
Having to ignore what cannot be lived inside your soul hungry for deep understanding.
The exterior of the surrounding world becoming like you can’t even notice.
Evil that you can easily neglect…
A real successful ignorance!
Raising high fences for your own mental protection!
Liberation only with the closed door of the mind…
Emboldened by much hate around you.
Incessant crying intra-help!
Avoidance of making the decision of the belief that one can…
Being bad from too little goodness of soul.
Expressions of misunderstanding of consciousness…
Always understand what they want to try on you…
Life is full of trials that make it difficult for you to go through the proposals of the previous day.
And this puts the conscience to a hard test.
It leads us to the end of what you propose for the next task.
Complaining is too easy.
Even the lazy ones don’t do very well without working hard…
The attempts to which I put my conscience.
What to do with them?
At birth you wake up at least…
Thinking hard about…
What is happening with you?
You think to build yourself up in your next searches.
Adolescence puts you in great difficulty!
Discovering a conscience in full decision-making!
Discovering countless questions!
Answers only by reading many books or interesting quotes.
The course of life…
You perseverely observe the past…
Hardly learned!
The work of conscience has put you in trouble.
Hardly passed attempts!
Putting yourself to be able to move to the future planned by you!
Succeeding in living the present with the future in mind.
Easily planned.
Watching a movie from your consciousness that…
It puts you at the top of the success list.
The lives preceded by the decision…
Facing a part of the consciousness that puts you back those who try to reach the proposed threshold.
Mostly responsible for the spoken interior of consciousness.
The important date for those who…
You manage to understand that you …
You are the important one!


The subject of the undeveloped thought of following…
Without a precedent developed in the internal discussion!
It is widely debated.
Ending up winning the atrocious debate…
Knowing the interior of the soul.
We hardly manage to understand each other and…
First of all, look into nothingness…
Health that we don’t have to miss.
The internal threads being quite different.
We each see this debate with our conscience that…
Being an introversion of backward facts.
Giving up easily not to sit.
Loving the laziness of the state in the armchair.
Too little to move our body that…
He is hungry for movement.
Indulging yourself in the stage of displeasure…
Not the approach of all walkers!
You hardly understand what the conscience is discussing about…
Physical exercise is doing squats…
Not abandoned quickly!
Continued the next day with other repetitions.
Evolving endlessly with a number of repetitions.
All leading to the suppression of visual burials in…
Your awareness of health prior to…
Getting older that…
Don’t give back.
It is a watch that continues to show what continues to pass.
Thinking that nothing stays in place.
You will understand that at an advanced age…
You don’t want to be helped by your loved one or…
For the children you don’t want to add a burden to!
Let’s not say that the cane should be just an accessory.
You should add this thing to the routine of your consciousness.
Flaming with the different ideas brought by the many discoveries.
Each one based on the theories found in the development of the work carried out.
Obliging themselves to the visions that oppress the whole body.
The body feeling the need to get out of an unhealthy routine.
The fog brought to our minds by the convalescent ideas of…
To those who believe in the obscure idea…
Of killing the team with the stick in the statute pond!
Closed in the shadow of the eyes of unhealthy obedience…
Brought by lazy gossip!
“How do I go to the gym?”
“I must be rested!”
“Eat well!”
Thoughts that do nothing else…
Pulling back a body that accesses a discipline…
Refused by the conscience that kills any idea of physical exercise.
Locking up part of the health you’ll want to…
You have her on your side!
You will never think that having the simplest…
Part of which you can benefit from…
Not needing any money.
Saving enough just by using simple physical exercises.
The option of going to the gym…
It makes you a lover of excess success!
Needing the increased surplus of unrejected adrenaline.
Disciplining yourself in a pleasant way.
Any evolution of the body on the outside is based on…
A massive development of the inner mind!
Exalting the beauty that comes out strongly on the outside.
Realizing with difficulty that somatic muscles do not matter!
Counting only the meditative parts of the mental crescendo.
Each repetition done with the pleasure of the desire to perform.
Surpassing yourself in front of the looks that make you not give up…
Outside ideas coming only with dark thoughts.
Oppressing one’s own development of consciousness!
Bringing to every meditative prayer…
Adulations of not giving up physical exercise and meditations that bring peace of mind.
Putting future health in the foreground.
Exclaiming inside yourself as the future retiree just…
From a job!
Not from physical exercise in the power of self-control!
Always having these ideas subconsciously…
Do not give up what makes your body rejuvenate in visible old age at all!
I am aware of the rest of the routine training every day.
Startling every time…
Not performing a training that reduces external stress!
Helping the body for a future!
Thinking that…
You want to help with the power you have!
Without adding to the discussions that …
The weight of pain makes you…
A force of future discovery!


It means that the tumultuous week was…
How it shouldn’t be!
The beginnings were carried out in duo mode!
You get a colleague, friend and whoeverelse you can!
Tie him to you!
Fall on his head with the questions…
“Are you doing something too?”
“Stormy training?”
“Are we at the gym?”
Give in with difficulty and reach the hall.


It is performed in the gym…
Small, snug and…
You think about what exercises to do.
You look at what devices you have at hand…
What dumbbells and barbells!
You make the decision and…


  • dumbbell incline chest press 4 x 12
  • pullups 4 x 7
  • dumbbell decline chest press 4 x 12
  • bentover row smith machine 4 x 12
  • peck deck fly 4 x 21-12
  • dumbbell bentover t-row 4 x 12
  • chest press smith machine 4 x 21 /12
  • lat pull down 4 x 12
  • pull over 4 x 12
  • seated row 4 x 12
  • standing incline fly dumbbell 4 x 12
  • rack pull 4 x 12

The training was finished in 41:18 minutes.
The training partner…
He gave in!
The superset did not execute.
Cross made…
It was over!
That’s how it stayed the whole week.
The next few days were not…
At the gym !
It is NOT a partner, it is not a gym!


Entitled “3 bad hours”!
It was NOT just a bad watch.
Very bad!
You know it, it was…
A breakdown of yourself through a crossfit workout.


  • 6 push press sandbags
  • 6 front squat sandbags
  • 6 sandbag deadlifts
  • 6 hang power cleans sandbag

What to see ?
Execution of 4 exercises in 16 series.
The completion of the body was supported by the idea that…
It could be better!
The rest followed…



Two strong workouts.
The maximum strength of the conscious interior.
Presenting itself as follows:


  • 10 sandbag snatches
  • 10 sit-ups
  • 10 burpees

Only 4 rounds executed.
Quick to finish.
Fatigue collected from all sides.
Conscience dictated other training.
This showing in a different way.


  • 50 deadlifts
  • 50 step-up boxes
  • 40 thrusters
  • 40 kettlebell swings

Finished the performance and training in 11:37 minutes.
Helping the soul to what it can be, you have no idea what your body can do.
Going easy and safe towards the end of the day…
You are thinking about the next training.


The leg workouts give way to sunrise.
The exercises look like this!


  • squat band 4 x 17
  • hack squat 4 x 17
  • sumo squat 4 x 18
  • bench squat 4 x 17
  • leg extensions band 4 x 21
  • standing leg curl 4 x 21
  • standing calf raise 4 x 24
  • seated calf raise 4 x 24


  • crunches 4 x 21
  • reverse crunch 4 x 21
  • lying knee raise 4 x 21
  • crossbody crunch 4 x 21

The short breaks between exercises led to…
Finishing the training in 44:41 minutes.
The sensations were mixed…
Coming from all parts of the exterior surprised by a beautiful and restful rain in the evening.
A warm and cloudy spring.
With pleasure…


Violent never.
Put to work by conscience.
Annoying what follows.
You stay at the stage where you have to start.
You get down to business…
Crying inside you like…
You were made for movement!


  • overhead press sandbag 4 x 18
  • upright row sandbag 4 x 18
  • do band pull 4 x 21
  • front raise band 4 x 18
  • lateral raise band 4 x 18
  • shrug sandbag 4 x 24


  • bicep curl sandbag 4 x 18
  • overhead triceps extensions sandbag 4 x 18
  • alternating biceps curl band 4 x 24
  • triceps kickback 4 x 24
  • hammer curl band 4 x 24
  • triceps push down 4 x 24

The training lasted 40:40 minutes.
Total pumping.
Puffed up like a jumbo jet!
A training miracle.
You wouldn’t do it again next time.

The week was full of everything.
Consciousness trainings supported by physical ones…
Contained in a meditation prayed to God!
The release was easy from the external ones.
It would be important to be collected at the end of the day!
Reconciled by everything.
Important awareness of all-encompassing evil.
Seen in the mirror saying in your mind…



The inner contradictions…
The countless voices inside you!
Words in your head that fight…
At every thought that puts you in trouble!
The biggest and ugliest contradiction is…
Making an important decision!
Believing it is for your future!
Only your future is not tied to the decision made.
At the moment it became decisive!
That moment you believe inside you that…
You will answer at some point!
To answer, you will answer at some point for…
All your decisions…
Be they good or bad!
Putting them together you will see that…
Decisions made at the time…
Unnatural incomprehensible!
You will have many inner voices…
More aware…
Exaggerated by countless subconscious!
Those experiences that put you in great difficulty.
Unaware at the moment you try to unmask yourself.
Getting punched inside without number.
The brain unable to breathe at good thoughts.
You try many excluded thoughts that time.
Pressed from outside to view the imposed decision.
Do you believe in your soul that…
A break would be good!
Get out of those dark thoughts in the sky of the mouth!
The final decision expresses the inexpressible contradiction!
The pragmatic crucible including deep breathing.
Expression through a meditative prayer.
Leaving your success plan!
Speaking the two …
The subconscious, the main resistant resident and…
The conscious that puts the tag on good or bad!
Contradiction becomes totally internal.
Not exploding at all at the time of own misunderstandings!
Arriving, through the prism of aligning those who do good and those who are bad…
Visualize two paintings that you will conclude…
Through deductive methods.
Repeating endlessly the same moments that …
You will understand them!
You don’t know the “chip” drops in the cerebral cortex…
Somewhat responsive to ideas at all…
Perceived clearly by your inner self.
Acceptance of unexplained failures!
Come from the perception that you want and you can try…
Long as you are alive!
Nothing can stop you from accepting that…
Any attempt, be it wrong, is to be learned!
Next time your subconscious mind will remind you that…
Your reaction to making that decision…
It was wrong!
You will not take back what was reduced to hitting your insides!
To the many contradictions within you…
There is a possibility to fail several times!
This does not mean that storing the subconscious with…
Those major contradictions led to inner reactions that…
They led to soul injuries.
Damaging the consciousness of the cerebral cortex!
I introduce different methods of getting out of the decision-making situation of…
Of the internal contradictory majority at…
Two voices – conscious and subconscious!
One of the two emerges victorious.
Counting as the link between soul and brain.
Reconciliation having to be successful.
Feeling the rise of self-esteem!
Self-esteem being quite important.
Your interior is up for grabs!
Growing outward by giving credibility!
The stable interior …
Having a somewhat balanced scale.
Listening to the great store of the subconscious.
Expressed a little externally!
Throwing positive thoughts.
You presenting those innocent smiles with pleasure…
Libra that makes you succeed with yourself.
These frequent, outdated contradictions…
State on dispassionate thoughts.
Excluding your internal desires.
Show your blackened exterior at some point.
The ones that can make you come out of the dark surprise.
I am truly the multitude of understanding with you.
Heavy battles are going on inside you.
Many times falling prey to the massiveness of past failures.
Deepening the unexplained exits from the outside!
The misunderstandings inside you with the weight of the past…
You wake up out of contradiction with the bizarre silence…
Becoming the supposed weirdo!
Strangeness engulfed by loneliness sought for…
The exterior that suppresses you through methods of…
“I know best!”
“The same thing happened to me!”
Thoughts that are not relevant to your re-understood methods!
Capable of internal credibility!
Your soul being quite out in the nothingness of thinking too much…
Human understanding of the credibility of words with meaning.
Bringing to the fore the external contradiction.
Too little adopted by your cerebral cortex.
Strongly believing in the predisposition to free discussion…
Coming up with arguments!
Leaving room for any arguments.
Without suppressing any thought…
Just turning my back on those unargued contradictions.
Giving up pointless discussions…
It doesn’t mean you’re weird.
You just don’t believe in those…
Unargued contradictions!!!


The big pain is not in the thought process of a training…
Through the method of changing physical exercises!
Replacing them or rotating them at every workout!
Linking to start training…
There is the maximum blow of the inner contradiction!
Those inner words hit you from all sides.
“To do the proposed training today!”
“I’m saving it for !”
“I don’t feel like getting out of my chair!”
“What a performance athlete I am!”
They are some of the awareness achieved by practicing the steps…
Your growth as a person!
You exclude your summary facts to focus on the infinite
“Why ?”
All the unanswered questions of consciousness go to the unfounded question.
Contrary to the subconscious that urges you to do physical exercises…
Forming that discovery inside you to make you healthy.
To return any favor towards muscular achievements.
You think that you are not a performance athlete.
Physical exercise is not for performance athletes.
It is for any person who believes in the disciplined routine of your future life.
Contradicting the annoying conscience that puts the tag on the tireless and all-encompassing fatigue!
Everything that happens inside you…
Between what says the consciousness that by the cerebral cortex and…
The subconscious conveyed in different forms and encompassed by the nostalgia of the unforgettable…
Conveying to you ideas that do not belong to any performance sportsman.
Or becoming overweight for no reason.
Everything boils down to endless diets.
Not looking to change your life with…
To believe in your immeasurable powers!
Don’t you realize that everything you do with yourself is a future…
In which to believe that…
Aging the potential base to be in your precious hands.
Held by a clear head.
Beautifying a healthy mind.
Growing pleasure in your heart practiced daily…
A few minutes of training with some exercises in crescendo.
Your strength from this age will decrease with time.
Nothing is eternal.
It is important to maintain the somatic muscles.
Exaggerated inner pride cannot emerge from a person with a somewhat balanced soul.

Which is based on your own physical strength.
You think that you will be taken care of at an advanced age.
The effectiveness of your thinking now should be based on…
“I’m a force of nature and I don’t want to be maintained!”
How would it be to look after and take care of those people who have unexpected problems!
This should contradict the consciousness involved in your thinking the beginning of the fitness training.
The foreground of the forgotten in the mirror should not be…
” I have to lose weight!”
“To tone the buttocks or increase the pectoral!”
“What should I rely on myself!”
That would change the contradictions with you in repeating the fitness training.
Be strong on the inside.
The initial definition boils down to insignificant things…
Lose weight first…
You think you need to increase muscle mass…
Or as they say to “put meat on yourself”.
These are facts that will become reality.
At some point you will give in and stop doing fitness training.
Looking in the mirror or weighing yourself daily…
It will do nothing reduce your sense of achieving the plan in the future.
Sports performance reduces the inner work of the soul.
Producing major changes throughout your body.
Even lowering the body’s immunity.
Your thinking must raise the state of efficiency excellence.
You become the best version of you.
Just thinking and excluding the tricks of uncertainty.
Including most times raising the subconscious…
Listening to the exclusion of the bad parts and moving towards consciousness based on the excellent parts of the future…
Which goes up to the live stage.
The scene of your life shows that you can’t get younger.
Choosing with your soul the part that will make you not grow old .
Playing football with grandchildren at 74 like at 30.
Running or keeping up with the youth seized by the need for success.
Success is a way out of nothingness flattered by those who surround it.
Without seeing the work supported by your back which has not decreased in strength.
Supporting yourself from the clear mind to the soles that support the body.
Everything is in your mind.
Your decision is a clarity of the one who wants to…
Be supported by him.
Aging with exercise.
The state of health having priority!
Contradict the exterior through physical training!


It can be worse!
The direction of walking changes from one day to the next.
From one week to other what else to talk about.
Changes are sometimes maximum.
Internal contradictions, the table was set for us.
Structural misunderstandings of “words” that contradict each other non-stop.
They lead to some failed necessities.
Going on a routine idea…
You hardly draw conclusions from actions.
If you breathe in your thoughts.
You recover from a convalescence arising from the consciousness of stressful upsets.
Open your eyes wide…
Maximize undilated pupils.
You are again building a discipline based on the idea of returning to the desired health.
Don’t camp and resume training that you don’t think about…
You exclude them from your life.
Resuming the fitness training that keeps you on the front line of the crescendo towards ensuring the start of spring.


She looked tired.
Monday is hard.
Stressful of the word.
Turning everything into a small victory.
Walking with difficulty to pull some bags with sand and stones.
As of…
What to do with them?
You like crossfit.
It attracts you much that you thought that…
A hard workout…
It will overcome your current fatigue.
Evil has been suppressed.
Two exercises were cut from the training menu.
The physical exercises performed were:


  • 80 sandbag snatches
  • 60 sandbag hang clean & jerk
  • 40 sandbag squats

The training was finished in 19:54 minutes.
With shame in my heart…
I was late for the job I was going to do.
A long meeting with various gloomy thoughts!
I did not perform the exercises:
20 devil press
10 burpees

The training was taking too long.
The difficulty was in performing the exercises with pleasure.
This the pleasure was expired.
Non-heavy thoughts did not exist.
The day ended drastically.
Looking for the bed…
He, the bed, was nowhere to be found.


Access the three evil clocks.
An old saying…
Repeated by our grandparents.
Actual by parents without preconceptions.
You easily decide the long and repetitive training.
You relax through precious relaxation.
The desire for the exaltation of early advancement of the thoughts brought inside.
Finding loneliness as a unification with you.
The known exercises look like this:


  • floor press sandbag 4 x 17
  • trx pull-ups 4 x 17
  • standing chest press band 4 x 24
  • bent over row sandbag 4 x 18
  • standing incline press band 4 x 24
  • wide pull down band 4 x 24
  • standing decline press band 4 x 24
  • seated row band 4 x 24
  • standing incline fly band 4 x 24
  • bent over row single arm sandbag 4 x 12
  • floor pullover sandbag 4 x 12
  • sandbag deadlifts 4 x 12

The training long it should 43:48 minutes.
Different opposites are happening inside you with the outer meaning of those that are not happening.
Waiting for the extreme end to get the expectations ended.
Overwhelmed by the visibly uncorrected exterior.
Visibly your racing thoughts and…
At one point collected and somewhat excelled.
Your desires get a wide calm of vision.
It closes with a brief desire to perform the next workout.


Access to the worst day.
Your interior is perceived as the unbeginning past.
You end up reaching a foray into the threshold…
From the spring of the new year.
SA you can retire in the future creation of the unfolding of sensations…
Full of thinking about what you want to do continuously for your concerned health.
The training of the day revolves around…


  • squat band 4 x 17
  • hack squat sandbag 4 x 17
  • sumo squat sandbag 4 x 18
  • bench squat sandbag 4 x 17
  • leg extensions band 4 x 21
  • standing leg curl band 4 x 21
  • standing calf raise 4 x 24
  • seated calf raise 4 x 24


  • crunches 4 x 21
  • reverse crunch 4 x 21
  • lying knee raise 4 x 21
  • crossbody crunch 4 x 21

The training ended apotheotically…
With a time of 51:58 minutes.
A training bar!
With maximum pain in the whole body.
You can barely walk.
In an hour you try to walk 10 steps…
More the advancement course through the odyssey of the house.
It’s good that you can put your hand to your nose.
Adulate like a lunatic at…
A sleepy meal of not getting up from the warm armchair.
Glad you didn’t leave your legs unworked.
Trying to force the abdomen to look good.
What else?
Finished is a tiny word.
The wish was…
Let a new day begin.
And it started.


A slightly better day.
Ugly outside!
Full of wind, clouds and a charged atmosphere.
Slightly hard to download.
Through an irresistible training.
How to refuse to pump your arms.
All your colleagues roll their eyes at your biceps…
Tired of working through…
Exorbitantly nasty workouts.
The exercises look like this:


  • shoulder press sandbag 4 x 17
  • upright row sandbag 4 x 17
  • do band pull 4 x 21
  • front raise band 4 x 18
  • lateral raise band 4 x 18
  • shrug 4 x 24


  • biceps curl sandbag 4 x 18
  • triceps overhead extensions sandbag 4 x 18
  • alternate biceps curl band 4 x 24
  • triceps kickback band 4 x 24
  • hammer curl band 4 x 24
  • triceps push down 4 x 24

The training lasted 48:47 minutes.
Hard to please!
A little bit I missed the training.
The matter could be worse…
It exists everywhere and in everything.
And to this pleasant training…
It could have lasted a little longer.
It didn’t.
Haste did not spoil the job.
The desire to execute this training turned…
Around a privilege of renewing your new versions.
Pumped, worked, healthy!
And that’s how a new training ended.
Other crossfit strategy is coming!


The most awaited day…
The desire to follow through on those who…
The bed is your best friend.
Friend set aside…
With the active desire of the weekend from which …
Do you want to know what it is…
Those words to follow.
Movement is part of your health.

The training was thought…
Wrong was not thought!
Instinct said, or decided to do a little more training.
The pleasure for crossfit was a few years ago.
Discovering this self-surpassing in training.
The urge to surpass yourself…
It exploded towards “distracting” me from these short and functional trainings.
HIIT from the beginning to the end of the exercise.
The instinct leads to several a week…
Only crossfit workouts…
Repeat the exercises!
The subconscious dictates to urge me to perform these amazingly “disgusting” workouts!
It wouldn’t be hard…
The urge would not exist!
Consider that this Friday a training session was cut short:



Physical exercises are complex!
The training is functional HIIT.
8 rounds worked with the ambition of finishing the number of repetitions 30 seconds.
It didn’t work!
There was success in every movement in the alert rhythm.
Forcing his breath to shudder.
Elimination of toxins from the body through the skin and breathing.
Becoming invincible in the face of diseases.
Increasing the immune system a lot!
Wishing that the contradictions in a big horse become a pony.
Through the desire to do daily training.
Bringing exclusively positive states inside.
Positivity aside everything…
Internal contradictions!
Face it brilliantly..
Great external contradictions!
The external ones being, sometimes without any meaning!
Keep in position!
