April 2023 - Sorin Solutions

Sorin Solutions

solutions workout at home work wherever you are

Month: April 2023


General health and fitness tend to be viewed less as a dreaded routine and more.

A miraculous operation to keep the body and mind in optimal condition.

Blood circulation plays an essential role in health and fitness.

Blood circulation refers to bringing blood throughout the body and returning it to the heart.

There are two circulatory systems, the large blood circulation and the small blood circulation.

Large blood circulation refers to the transport of blood from the heart to the body and from the organs to the heart.

These are the areas where oxygen and nutrienți are removed.

Small blood circulation is about local oxygenation and nutrition and directing blood to the cells.

Oxygen and nutrients are through .

Tissue to provide cells with energy for metabolism.

Breathing plays an important role in blood circulation.

Respiration is the process of exchanging oxygen for carbon dioxide in and out of tissues and blood.

Breathing activates internal organs, including the heart and nervous system.

Deep breathing is the best way to ensure optimal circulation and oxygenation in the body.

One of the best ways to keep your blood flowing and maintain.

Your health and fitness is through fitness training.

I don’t necessarily have to be extremely intense.

The training process can be simple of a person’s fitness level.

Deep breathing exercises and cardiovascular exercises such abdominal exercises, swimming, running, cycling and jogging are some good and effective ways to train for health and fitness.

They contribute to maintaining or even increasing the metabolic rate, improve blood circulation and improve cardiovascular capacity.


Blood circulation plays an essential role in health and fitness.

Breathing and fitness training are effective ways to improve your blood circulation and maintain good health and fitness.


Starting with the conclusion of pulling you believe…

Everyone talks about food…

Very few talk about the balance part and the minuscule increase in withdrawal from eating less your stomach calls for.

Focusing on quantity and foods that are good for your body.

Just like not every drug is good for your body…

Food workouts are all effective.

There is nothing else left for you to do…

Trying to make every day a routine discipline of feeling good and efficient.


Food that can help improve arterial circulation.

Best foods for this are:

1. Berries – berries are high in antioxidants that help reduce inflammation, which can improve circulation.

2. Fatty fish – fatty fish like salmon and tuna are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which can help reduce inflammation and lower blood pressure.

3. Nuts – nuts are high in healthy fats, fiber, and antioxidants, all of which can help improve circulation.

4. Leafy greens – leafy greens like spinach, kale, and collard greens are high in nitrates, which help improve blood flow.

5. Whole grains – whole grains like oats, quinoa, and brown rice are high in fiber, which can help improve circulation by reducing inflammation and lowering cholesterol.

6. Dark chocolate – dark chocolate is high in flavonoids, which can help improve blood flow and reduce inflammation.

By incorporating these foods into your diet, you can help promote good arterial circulation and heart health.


Regular physical activity is essential for maintaining good blood circulation.

You are active, your heart pumps faster, which helps to increase blood flow and deliver more oxygen and nutrients to your body’s tissues.

Here are some of the ways that being active can help improve blood circulation:

1. Improved blood vessel function – regular exercise can help to improve the function and elasticity of your blood vessels, which can help to increase blood flow and reduce the risk of heart disease.

2. Lowered blood pressure – regular exercise can help to lower blood pressure by reducing the stiffness of your blood vessels and improving blood flow.

3. Reduced inflammation – regular exercise can help to reduce inflammation in your body, which can help to improve blood flow and reduce the risk of heart disease.

4. Improved blood sugar control – regular exercise can help to improve insulin sensitivity, which can help to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and improve blood flow to your body’s tissues.

5. Weight management – regular exercise can help to maintain a healthy weight or promote weight loss, which can help to improve blood flow and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Active can have many benefits for your blood circulation and your health.

It is recommended to aim for at 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week for optimal health benefits.


Getting adequate and quality sleep is important for optimal arterial circulation health.

You sleep, your body works to repair and regenerate damage to your vessels and tissues, helping to maintain good circulation.

Here are some of the ways that sleep can affect arterial circulation:

1. Blood Pressure Regulation

– Good quality sleep helps regulate the body’s hormones which have an effect on blood pressure.

You sleep, your body is able to regulate these hormones, which can help reduce the risk of high blood pressure and improve blood circulation.

2. Promotes Vascular Repair

– Sleep, your body works to repair damage to your blood vessels and tissues. This helps maintain good arterial circulation and reduce the risk of heart disease.

3. Reduce Inflammation

– Lack of sleep can lead to an increase in inflammation in the body. Inflammation can lead to damage of blood vessels and increase the risk for heart disease.

4. Reduces Stress Hormones

– Stress hormones like cortisol can damage blood vessels and lead to poor circulation. Adequate sleep helps to regulate cortisol levels which can help promote good arterial circulation.

5. Improve Insulin Sensitivity

– Sleep deprivation reduces insulin sensitivity, which can impair endothelial function leading to arterial constriction and poor circulation.

Getting enough high-quality sleep is vital for maintaining optimal arterial circulation.

Adults should aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night for optimal health benefits.


Effective for improving arterial circulation, including:

  1. Exercise: Regular physical activity can help improve arterial circulation by strengthening the heart and blood vessels, increasing blood flow, and reducing inflammation in the arteries.
  2. Healthy diet: A balanced diet including plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains can help reduce the risk of arterial disease and contribute to better circulation.
  3. Hydration: Staying adequately hydrated can help keep blood thin and flowing smoothly through the arteries.
  4. Meditation and stress reduction techniques: Chronic stress and anxiety can contribute to arterial disease, practicing relaxation techniques meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises may help improve circulation.
  5. Quitting smoking: Smoking is a major risk factor for arterial disease and quitting can improve circulation and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

It is important to consult with your doctor making any changes to your lifestyle or starting a new exercise program.


Are bad for arterial circulation and can contribute to arterial disease.

These include:

1. Smoking:

Smoking damages the lining of the arteries and causes them to become narrowed and hardened, reducing blood flow.

2. Sedentary lifestyle:

Lack of physical activity can lead to poor circulation, weakening of the heart and blood vessels, and increased risk of arterial disease.

3. Unhealthy diet:

A diet high in saturated fat, cholesterol, and processed foods can contribute to the buildup of plaque in the arteries, which reduces blood flow.

4. High blood pressure:

Chronic high blood pressure can damage and weaken the arteries over time, leading to an increased risk of arterial disease.

5. Diabetes:

Diabetes can damage blood vessels and lead to poor circulation, increasing the risk of arterial disease.

6. Stress:

Chronic stress can lead to inflammation and damage in the arteries, increasing the risk of arterial disease.

It is important to take steps to reduce these risk factors for arterial disease.

To improve circulation and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.


It is a common experience for people who workout extensively to experience joint pain after a hard workout.

This happens an intense workout, joints experience more pressure and stress usual, which causes tiny tears in the surrounding muscle tissue, leading to inflammation and pain.

Dehydration, and warm-up and cool-down exercises can contribute to joint pain.

Over time, repeated stress and inflammation can cause joint damage and injury if not managed properly, leading to chronic pain and disability.


There are several factors that can affect the joints, including:

1. Inflammation:

  • Inflammatory conditions like arthritis can cause joint pain and stiffness.

2. Injury or trauma:

  • Damage to the joints from injuries, such sprains or fractures, can lead to joint pain and mobility problems.

3. Age:

  • As we age, our joints naturally wear down and lose cartilage, which can cause joint pain and stiffness.

4. Genetics:

  • Some people may have a genetic predisposition to certain joint conditions, such osteoarthritis.

5. Obesity:

  • Excess weight puts added pressure on the joints, leading to joint pain and increased risk of conditions like arthritis.

6. Repetitive motions:

  • Repetitive motions, such typing…

…or playing certain sports, can cause wear and tear on the joints, leading to pain and inflammation.

  1. Poor posture:- Poor posture can put strain on the joints and cause joint pain over time.
  2. Hormonal changes: Hormonal changes, such those that occur pregnancy or menopause, can affect joints and cause pain.
  3. Certain medical conditions: Certain medical conditions, such Lyme disease or lupus, can affect the joints and cause pain and inflammation.
  4. Medications: Some medications, such chemotherapy drugs or steroids, can cause joint pain and stiffness as a side effect.


The treatment options for joint pain vary depending on its cause, severity, and location.

Here are some options:

1. Rest:

  • Resting the affected joint can help alleviate the pain and allow the joint to heal.
  • 2. Exercise:
  • Low-impact exercises can help strengthen the muscles around the joint and improve flexibility.
  • 3. Ice and heat therapy:
  • Applying ice or heat to the affected joint can help reduce inflammation and alleviate pain.
  • 4. Medications:
  • Over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can help reduce pain and inflammation.
  • 5. Physical therapy:
  • Working with a physical therapist can help strengthen the muscles around the joint and improve flexibility.
  • 6. Weight loss:
  • Losing weight can help reduce stress on the joints, in the knees, hips, and ankles.
  • 7. Joint injections:
  • Corticosteroid injections can help reduce inflammation and pain in the affected joint.
  • 8. Surgery:
  • In severe cases other treatments have failed, joint replacement surgery may be necessary.
  • This involves replacing the damaged joint with a prosthetic joint.
  • It is important to speak with a healthcare professional to determine the best course of treatment for joint pain.


Low-impact exercises should be done to not put too much pressure on the joints.

These include activities such :

– Swimming

– Cycling

– Yoga

– Pilates

– Walking

– Tai chi

– Elliptical

-machine workouts

– Water aerobics

These exercises help to improve cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, and strength without putting excessive pressure on the joints.


  1. Low-impact exercises such swimming, water aerobics, and cycling.
  2. Strength training exercises (with light weights) to build muscle in the affected area, which can help support and protect the joint.
  3. Yoga and stretching exercises to improve flexibility, range of motion, and balance.
  4. Walking and other weight-bearing exercises to promote strong bones.
  5. Tai chi, a form of low-impact exercise that involves slow, flowing movements and deep breathing.
  6. Pilates, a form of exercise that focuses on strengthening and stabilizing the core muscles, which can improve posture and reduce joint pain.

It is important to consult with a healthcare professional starting any new exercise routine to ensure that the exercises are safe and appropriate for your individual condition and level of fitness.

It may be helpful to work with a physical therapist or fitness trainer who has experience working with individuals with joint pain.

They can help design a personalized exercise plan to meet your specific needs and goals minimizing the risk of injury or exacerbating your joint pain.

It is necessary to avoid forcing joints beyond their natural range of motion.

This can cause injury, pain, inflammation, and potentially long-term damage to the joints.

It is essential to perform exercises and activities with proper form and gradually increase intensity and range of motion over time.

Stretching and warming up exercising can help reduce the risk of joint injury.

Consulting with a healthcare professional or certified trainer can help ensure safe and effective exercise techniques.


Here are some tips that may help:

  1. Rest the affected joint: The first step in recovering from joint pain is to give the joint proper rest. Avoid putting any pressure on the joint and rest it as much possible.
  2. Apply ice: Applying ice to the affected area can help reduce inflammation and swelling. Wrap some ice in a towel and apply it to the affected joint for 15-20 minutes at a time, several times per day.
  3. Heat therapy: If your joint pain is to arthritis or chronic inflammation, heat therapy may be effective ice therapy. Take a warm shower or soak in a warm bath, or use a heating pad.
  1. Exercise: Gentle exercises can help improve joint mobility and reduce stiffness. Consult with a doctor and a physical therapist to find the right exercise routine for your joint pain.
  2. Anti-inflammatory medication: Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication such ibuprofen or aspirin can help reduce inflammation and pain. It is always best to consult with a doctor taking any medication.
  3. Massage therapy: Massage therapy can help reduce muscle tension and improve blood circulation to the affected area, which can help reduce joint pain.
  4. Diet and supplements: A healthy diet filled with anti-inflammatory foods such fruits, vegetables, and fish, well supplements such Omega-3, can help reduce joint pain.
  5. Acupuncture: Acupuncture, a traditional Chinese medicine practice, involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to reduce pain and inflammation.
  6. Hot and cold therapy: Using hot or cold compresses on the affected joint can help reduce inflammation and pain. Hot therapy can increase blood circulation and promote healing, cold therapy can numb the area and reduce swelling.
  7. Rest: Resting the affected joint can help reduce inflammation and allow the joint to heal. It is important to balance rest with gentle exercise to maintain joint mobility and prevent stiffness.It is important to consult with a healthcare provider to determine the best treatment plan for your joint pain. They can evaluate the severity of the pain and recommend the most effective treatment options for your specific needs.


Joint pains can have several causes, including injuries, arthritis, infections, and other medical conditions.

They can be acute or chronic, and their severity can range from mild discomfort to disabling pain.

It is essential to seek medical attention if you experience joint pain to determine the underlying cause and receive appropriate treatment.



What should we do ?

We hardly monitor our uncontrollable display of the chaos of anger…

Installed under the sign of terror, fears of the intervention of external sources that suffocate us!

Grasping the weight of the evil that engulfs us in the internal rage of the organism.

Whole moments support the almighty fact of blackening the brain.

Seeing the eyes only the negative facts of not returning to hard-to-find thoughts…

Called extraordinarily easy positivity.

Positivity that accesses a mountain higher Mount Everest!

Pressures not supported by the soul of the thought that…

In turn struggles between the internal worlds of…

The cerebral cortex blackened by the subsistence of the fine understandings…

The good prevails in those moments…

Excluding exclusively negative thinking.

Ending with a lot of swearing…

Completing with introverts outings in the surplus bringing to mind various old difficulties.

The peace rests in the granting of the self to…

“I am not like that!”

“Have to calm down!”

“I lose a lot of mental and physical energy!”

Enter a period of seizing these solutions with calmness and simple, concrete answers.

Visibly unsurprised by the poorly managed state.

Without understanding the slow turnaround of the ongoing situation.

They are responsible!

The body belongs to us with mind, soul and … the rest!

Depending on the quick decision of anger management!

Sometimes walking in the front door…

We hardly control it…

Sometimes we reach the edge in front of the balcony and recover…

Steps back making the difference in the success of the whole body…

Vibrating with the impatience of panic…

Attacking with deep breaths !

The mind breaking free!

Treading with added steps towards the encompassing of all evil!

Fear acting as an amalgam of internal chaos.

Watching old and current movies!

Triumphant resolution through the chaos of anger …

Overcome the intervening moments!

The brain with its stabilizing role…

It helps the rest of the communication with the whole body.

Carefully monitored by the requester withholding the little good!

Manage what’s hard!

Anger is a passing state!


Can there be?
There can be anger fitness training!
Everything happens at possible unexpected events or…
To many dark thoughts gathered!
Matches of the life partner or who knows what may not suit you bringing some adjustable words.
Grinding inside each other!
Things can happen at work that bring inconvenience to deep thoughts,
You being a hardworking person!
Living every moment to the fullest.
Everything comes together at one point…
What to see?
You put out in your mouth everything you gather in your subconscious.
Or you can get rid of the accumulated anger an intensive fitness training!
Pushing, pulling and jumping…
Carrying the whole body and the subconscious…
In other earthly dimension…
Deviating with each repetition made from the concentrated ones.
Avoiding the short-circuited impulses of the mind…
Cerebral cortex eliminating untouched by creative hyperdimensioning…
In the alien parts of the earth.
Having the role of expansion of the transcendent…
Completing the phases of the rooms…
Which, sometimes airy, makes you impressed…
Through ignorance of what happened around you.
Surprising yourself with the benefits of physical exercise.
You have no idea how to get rid of the anger that grips you with such methods.
You have to try!
Understanding the difficulty by expressing the howl of the repetitions or…
Strange frowns on the face.
It leads to quite a maximum concentration!
Moving on to the expulsion of what happened previously…
You start that fitness training…
Which you avoid for unexplained reasons with…
The different inclusions of finding other groupings of things.
The work done is distracting and not too…
From bringing the accumulated anger into the inner conversation.
You can possibly collect even anger!
There is the other side…
You might break or break quite a few things by…
A little continuous effort!
The release of endorphins through physical work is obvious.
Through fitness training, the reverse happens.
Endorphins swell to the max and…
The partial or total elimination of anger intervenes.
It includes, not limited to, the installation of the highly sought-after status.
That state to which the world adheres.
Running away from fitness training…
It runs in two obvious parts.
The conscious is separated from the subconscious!
The collaboration of the two falling apart…
Self in you only responds to removed with the early onset of anger.
Getting nervous…
Forget about the initials of the steps increased by the number of years that you cannot pass!
Trying none of the methods mentioned.
I want you to keep everything inside you.
With everything with air!
Forgetting to breathe hard to calm the burning circuits.
Under go to unfounded reasons for self-destruction!
Closing the unopened doors of the tried soul.
Access evil removals…
Bringing primitive negativities inside you.
Hardly crossing the spectrum of uneducated intelligence.
Meditation is the removal of closed minds.
Relaxation by letting go of the angry interior…
It becomes a mess from which we detach ourselves.
We are running towards an unknown unknown!
We bypass the exits from the fog of nothingness.
Incomprehensible advice that you can’t see through.
Describing yourself in such a way that you don’t know yourself!
Follow your own interest!
Accessing the interior of the undiscovered soul!
Climbing the mountain every day!
Wanting to successfully reach a self-control…
Which at this moment you only hope for!
Don’t forget what defines you!
Fitness training excludes rage seasons!
Get up and do physical exercises!


The blows received over the weekend…

Week leaving an unspeakable rage inside the body.

The soul breathing hard! How to leave behind what hits you from all sides?

Life is probably a tangle of upsets, constraints…

Misunderstandings, arguments, dissatisfaction!

All this is tight inside you!

Nothing is easy!

Everything is a request from you! It’s hard to feel relieved…

Immediately comes other blow!

For the penetrating breath in the polluted air…

Find ways to get out of your own comfort!

Fitness training does this!


To choose physical exercises that demand you the most.

Believing in your body!

To want to change the body from the inside!

Inside is the big exit to the outside.

Beauty comes to the surface from within.

You can do this job!

Find the physical exercises that require you.

You put them on paper and…

You get down to business!


What can you do on Monday?

A demanding workout to get the anger out of the body.

Working the chest hard…

To feel him swollen and passionate about the cock.

Go outside the house!

Backing up shining…

Showing a large amphora of the pleasure of success.



– floor press sandbag 6 x 18

– trx pullups 6 x 18

– standing chest press band 4 x 24

– bent over row sandbag 4 x 18

– standing decline press band 4 x 24

– wide pull down band 4 x 24

– standing incline press band 4 x 24

– seated row band 4 x 24

– standing incline fly band 4 x 24

– bent over one single arm row 4 x 12

– floor pullover 4 x 12

– deadlift 4 x 12

All the exercises with the related series and repetitions have…

Duration 45:24 minutes.

The somatic muscles with the soul were on other planet…

Semana with parquet and wall…

Oh… there was a room!

Quietly, you move your mind to solving the various tasks of the current day.


Named inor as being three bad hours….

They almost were.

Not for whom he writes and…

For other residents of the county!

Apotheically you open your eyes…

You are trying a workout to solve…

You wake up thinking about him.

Go to other one.

That gives you a breeze!

He pushes you aside without a reply.

Apply what you love enough…

It is not well said.

What is a part of you!

Crossfit day is today.

The training tried looking “ugly”!


– 50 bench presses

– 50 back squats

– deadlifts
50 – 50 push jerks
– 50 hang power cleans

Training finished in 11:03.

A pleasure of functional training.

You feel young again!

Like performing high-performance training.

The rest became history!


A new day !

Other job to do!

Many thoughts collected.

Dreams for solving problems that arose a day ago.

It may be better to put aside the dark thoughts.

A demanding workout for some strong legs.

Strong legs support excellence.

Conclusion collected over time.

The training looks like this:


squat band – 6 x 18

– hack squat 4 x 17

– sumo squat 4 x 18

– bench squat 4 x 17

– standing calf raise 4 x 24

– seated calf raise 4 x 24


– crunches 4 x 21

– reverse crunch 4 x 221

– lying leg raise 4 x 21

– crossbody crunch 4 x 21

Training completed in 58:54 minutes

Who is breathing a sigh of relief?

Who does this training…

Or other hard one!

Try it and you won’t regret it


Other day !

This is what you do all your life!

Life surprises you! It is a possibility derived from the brief viewing of the accounts…

Comprehensive of climbs to the top of infinity!

For this, an inner rage engulfs you!

Anger released through outbursts that do not characterize you!

Elimination through fitness training is stated!

Thursday’s workout shows that you can outdo yourself!

The competition with you starts with:


– military press sandbag 4 x 17;

– upright row sandbag 4 x 17;

– front raise band 4 x 18;

– pull band 4x 21;

– lateral raise band 4 x 18;

– shrug 4 x 24


– bicep curl sandbag 4 x 18;

– triceps overhead extensions 4 x 21;

– alternating biceps curl band 4 x 24;

– kickback triceps band 4 x 24;

– Hummer curl band 4 x 24;

– triceps pushdown 4 x 24.

Training done on the run.

Breaks reduced to the maximum.

The finish was in 41:12 minutes.

The rest of the day was the same as the beginning.

Haste to complete what has been recovered!

Everything is resolved with the sought-after calmness!



Searched all over these lists of letters.

Used not in your mind!

Go out to where you drink water and eat.

They are forced from the first signs of life.

What was meant to be forgotten!

The signs that you succeed…

Not what you tell yourself…

What you can accumulate you wake up…

A crossfit training surfaced:


– 12 sandbag clean;

– 14 burpees;

– 16 sandbag front squats.

The hopeless success of 6 grueling rounds…

It ignited at the short circuit of the cerebellum with the cortex…

At the apotheotic completion of this AMRAP…

To continue with a


4 sets of 8 x 20/10

– kettlebell swings ;

– pushups;

– front squat;

– sit-ups.

Finished in 18:20 minutes.

There are good and bad rotations going on inside you!

Exhale and inhale hard.

Your mind becomes free of everything and everyone.

Anger does not exist at such times.

Any credibility to get angry disappears.

Anger is a state that disappears.

It’s in your power!
