Sorin Solutions

solutions workout at home work wherever you are




The inner voice…
Enter the thoughts in one ear…
They stay in your head and…
An endless debate begins.
Constantly listening to your thoughts.
What to see?
Your interior is always in a continuous transformation!
You try to continue what is left of your subconscious.
The important result from the search for those words not reached at …
Ego tickling!
Me who wants to feel “dressed”!
Cheers to your soul!

Hugs that constantly break down some walls…
Built on the edge of meaningless discussions and without a line directed towards the discovery of the sensational.
Sensational that makes you reborn for a few moments.
Discussions that become unfinished.
The debate does not stop with arguments.
Just with “the words bothered me and I’m done!”
Why not continue with the arguments that bothered you?
It stays in the air and the sky falls on your thoughts.
Things that remain unfinished!
From there I start again with what went wrong!
Why did it stay at that point?
Non-continuation of unfinished acts.
The subconscious intervenes which…
He wakes you up and the internal discussions begin.
Often quite tiring.
Coming out with the arguments at hand…
You can disturb and the final point of the remains is not reached.
It means that you as a person continue with introversion and…
You work from the subconscious without realizing it with the words rastalmaced inside you.
What to see?

Making this spoken gesture…
Surprise accounts will be required.
Hitting unexpectedly and some intention in the misunderstood faith of the person in question.
The words will come naturally!
There are many endless debates going on inside you…
You come to surprising conclusions for yourself too!
The words in question came out at the inopportune and surprising moment.
The hottest internal debates are…
Making a decision!
It’s a shame that the decision should not be taken on the spot!
Think about it…
As they say!
And you keep it like that you come…
Tell him what you decided.
You face different arguments for and against.
Not excluding you!

They all hit you from all sides.
You get to the point where you say in a way!
Get to the person who has to say it…
You come back to other feelings and change your mind.
No wonder you don’t continue what you have been discussing for some time!
It seems that not everything that happens inside you…
You can be expressed externally!
Fears intervene…
Fear not to hurt!
Maybe he won’t talk to you anymore!
May he always be angry with you!
To be scolded non-stop just you spoke what you decided.
Let’s just say that the truth is cruel and hard.
Only that the decisions to speak your faith squirm…
They are not non-stop truths!
They are truths only for you!
The rest are reasoned discussions…
Undigested by anyone!

Endless unfinished debates.
Everything happening in your future.
Don’t let the people around you say that…
” You think too much!”
“You hardly get down to business!”
Decisions continue…
Talk to you!


Tomorrow I start training.
I feel like I’m fat!
The wonder is that you don’t feel that your muscles are poorly developed!
You get tired of climbing a floor.
Or a few stairs!
You cannot easily carry 4 kg of potatoes from the market!
The joints give way!

The liquid inside the joints is leaving you!
None of that!
Thoughts only lead to weight loss.
You gain 200 grams or eat a large meal full of lipids and carbohydrates…

Don’t think of starting a training session!
Refuse training at the expense of food!
“Dying” of hunger!
Or depending on the case…
“Whoever likes me, likes me too!”
“Fat and beautiful!”
The matter of one’s own health is excluded.
Alternative searches for not moving are countless and continuous.
They don’t stop at all!
Always looking for excuses.
You are really busy!

The big struggle is inside.
The voices start saying different things.
Matters that begin so…
Tomorrow I start work.
“I’m going to the gym!”
And you prepare the day before…
You have many reasons not to give up!
And at night in my sleep, some dreams appear.
Unconsciously you wake up in the morning!
All the good reasons from yesterday…
They disappeared in the morning.
The reasons that keep you at home…
They are stronger with every minute spent the proposed time going to the gym!
And look like this…
Tomorrow becomes every day!

The one that keeps you away from health moves…
It tempts you with different inversions of thoughts.
How to start?
By the fact that nothing is easy!
Everything that hard is beautiful!
Discovering your inner self or…
Unpacking it easily to the new old!
Taking a step towards the present!
Looking to the past without questions.
Erasing it with ease…

Going up and down the floors in the block where you live…
Several times a day.
Reasons for the success of changing old thoughts.
Hitting the temptation that engulfs you every time with …
The melancholy of the lazy soul!
Replacing the inner words that say something just happened with…

Gently remaining the intervening ones…
Deciding to go to the gym!
Staying with your great inner decision.
Those long debates.
Crunchy fights have taken a little to the extreme.
Any inconvenience!
The unexpected excludes you from your thoughts.
I stop the need to find reasons at the minute…
To refuse to do something beneficial for you.
Let something happen that causes…
Performing some exercises…
It exists anytime and anywhere.
Walk on the street and you can step crookedly…
Look, this is how you accidentally sprain yourself.
You can put evil into good.
Don’t rule these things out.
The important thing is not to raise them to the rank of a sure occurrence.
Thoughts directed towards these evil things…
At some point, it happens.
You exclude them completely!
All you do becomes totally anxious!
Stressed from everything!
Leaving no room for the new you!
To the present with openness to a new comfort.
The discipline that makes you change your mind…
The inner voice going over neglected topics.
Your responsibility is our induced laziness and fatigue.
Put them aside!
Pull the curtain!
You go up…
You close an extremely large lock on the past…
Perform a 180-degree turn!
“WOW who am I?”
The same person …
With other ideas!
Other daily routines!
Disciplining the training in the regular worship of…
Have a nice meal!
Giving the night deep sleep.
The outer questions of those inquiring eyes…
It becomes a deep ignorance…
Denying topics to develop.
Like this …
Develop a cult in speaking your deliberate thoughts.
Finding indescribable subjects.
Surprising for your subconscious.
Limited causing objects!
What training can do!
The above written…
You can’t find out…
Just trying for long periods of time…
Working with you!
Working hard on those inner subjects.
You’re getting weird!
Easily excluded from your voluntary withdrawal.
The presentation of training is an example.
It is not for all people.
Being part of
“If you don’t try, you have nowhere to find out!”
A gift of extraordinarily developed training all over the world.
Crossfit – a functional training


This example looks like this:

12 SETS OF 8 X 20/10 SECS

  • floor presses
  • sandbag walking lunges
  • trx muscle-up
  • sandbag clean
  • sumo deadlifts
  • sit-ups
  • sandbag thrusters
  • run in the place
  • jumping jacks
  • boxing step-ups
  • Mountain climbers
  • sandbag push-ups


Trying to run the workout…
It lasted 57 minutes of fire!
A training hardness through…
The first part being brought to muscle strength…
The second part is going through your favorite cardio exercises.
Adding a one-minute break between sets…
It brings with it…
The attributed and beneficial consumption of water…
Eliminated through skin pores.
Excluding microbes found and not found in the body.
Finding the strength to submit…
The effort to finish a workout…
Combined with two beneficial causes for the body itself.
Health and…
Listen to the positive inner voice!

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