Sorin Solutions

solutions workout at home work wherever you are




What does a woman want?
They are people!
This is how we are divided into women and men!
In many cases …
I have what some want, others want.
They are different!
Not as big as I think…
In the vast majority of men.
A small difference would be in training.
He does not lift as heavy weights as men.
What men do, women do too.
How some men are “soft”!
It moves hard!
They are full of laziness.
It wails continuously.
Are they?
They are good housewives.
They take care of the house…
If they are married…
Not married ones.
As they are tailored from the first steps…
This continues deep old age.
There are ladies who were not raised like this.
Neither have they detected this ingenuity within themselves.
They are left on the stage…
That they can have “slaves” to take care of them.
Including the part where they get married…
The husband becomes the one who takes care of the house.
The help coming from her is tiny to none.
There are not a few cases.
There are enough cases like this.
Cases should not be debated too much.
Everyone thinks with faith.
It is worn according to the education received at home.
What they learned at the school they attended.
And not least…

In what circles do they spin?
What people do they meet or have met in life?
The upward trajectory…
They mostly want…
Only you can’t humiliate women…
Men want enough.
That they are expressed through words.
The power I have…
In some cases, it is stronger men.
The life I noticed…
More men passed out…
At the sight of horrors.
Women have very high self-control.
Is “pushed” by society to…
Star “in the kitchen”!
Like most men think.
They assume enough responsibility in the case of marriages.
Easily handling life in a marriage.
The major care brought to the born children.
Even oppressed by men who think they are domineering.
They are growing up in an environment that damages their lives.
Indecent behavior towards women.
The delicacy of which I give proof.
Fineness transpositions in the achievements brought in the course of life.
They are bringing the belief that women were born.
Having enough power of lifelong evolution.
Delicate, supple, fine, beautiful!
This is what a woman of the 21st century looks like!


Why do women want to work…
At the gym…
Butt, biceps femoris, and quadriceps?
As a man, you are looking at a woman’s ass!
Don’t look at your arms…
Or on the shoulders, if they are worked.
Let’s just say you won’t appreciate it…
Too many “squares” from the abdomen.
To some finely crafted legs…
To a beautifully crafted butt.
Handsome in every way.
Not very noticeable.
With such a view, not many people expect you to…
That woman put in the maximum effort…
At every workout, have the body…
Which he owns and maintains.
Many hours spent at the gym…
The home several times not to leave home.
The exercises performed with not much pleasure…
An effort is high anyway.
The discipline shown the years spent in…
The company of dumbbells, barbells, and devices…
It looks like the desire to be…
First of all, healthy.
The strength of character shown is a pride shown through…
The beauty discovered in the times of evolution itself.
Looking in depth to notice attention…
Granted to these muscle groups…
Avoided by men.
Deep down, the man believes that doing squats…
Lay the foundations for a worked ass.
Excluding hip abductor training.
From fire hydrant or bird dog exercises…
Don’t even think about seeing them worked on…
Some man’s gym.
Maybe with indulgence, it will attract your attention…
At someone doing a hip thruster.
Someone who realizes that working the glutes…
He realized that it suppressed the pain in the lumbar spine.
Keeping the sciatic nerve under observation by paying attention…
Abductor and adductor muscles.
Exercises that bring a positive input inside the thigh muscles.
People, women or men…
I go to the gym or do exercises at home…
They want to have a well-worked body.
Well-defined muscles.
To reduce the fat layer.
Too few to none think that they do those workouts for their own health.
On the list of thoughts is health.
Tailoring your discipline by being healthy…
The training will take place in a different way.
Looking deep into the muscle…
What is under it?
This becomes the interesting part.
To touch those strips of muscle that do not stand out.
The organism is a unitary whole.
Working on muscle groups…
It does not mean that you work with other groups that you will work with the next day.
The prompt would be to pay full attention to the muscles that…
I connect the joints…
Those that insert with the other large muscles.



  • back extension on floor 4 x 21
  • backward lunge with lift 4 x 20
  • backward lunge band 4 x 20
  • band pull through 4 x 20
  • bird dog 4 x 30
  • Bulgarian split squat 4 x 12
  • curtsey lunge 4 x 20
  • fire hydrant 4 x 12
  • glute bridge 4 x 15
  • glute kickback band 4 x 15
  • hip flexion band 4 x 15
  • hip abductor band 4 x 15
  • band hip adductor 4 x 15
  • lying leg curl band 4 x 15

The training lasts and lasts…
It’s like it’s never-ending!
You pull yourself together and in the end…
You arrive at one hour eighteen minutes and thirty seconds.
A huge effort.
Most of the workouts don’t seem like what they are.
You can only discover by executing.
From several executions, you will realize…
With great care, the exercises were created…
Not to build a body with strong muscles.
You will find that depth is the main target.
Achievement is discovered through many pieces of training.
Reading a lot of anatomies…
Little chemistry!
Discovering enough physics in the execution of each exercise.
It seems that everything is a close connection between sports and…
Basic school subjects.
Knowing this, the steps are…
More and more difficult.
Nothing is easy.
As is known…
“Life is hard beautiful!”

Everything is beautiful and hard to come by.
Consciously working for health…
We get adjacent matters…
Like a body with a defined musculature…
Mentally strengthened.

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