December 2022 - Page 2 of 2 - Sorin Solutions

Sorin Solutions

solutions workout at home work wherever you are

Month: December 2022



Tricky form of handling…
A psychic thing from…
The idea of creating alongside that person who does it…
To have the “mastery” to easily control…
The person she wants next to her.
Many people think they do this…
In order not to feel inferior!
Denigrate that person in many ways.
Brings discomfort.
On the verge of arguing with the nerves by the idea that the manipulation brought by humiliating the other!
The desire for control is stronger self-control.
All these feelings can lead to mental exertion.
Which in turn can create a crisis…
Derogatory handling can backfire.
There are quite a few past or less current reasons.
This brings you to the brink of creating the belief that you are not calculated enough…
Or let’s say quite good for the fields in which you are active…
Or to excel in your real passions.
That would be the first thing through which those people feel protected by derogatory manipulation.
To degrade by these methods.
In your mind, man, who is being attacked…
You know that good things come out of your hands…
Which you can be proud of!
Other outsiders are watching what comes out of your hands…
Appreciate these things.
Other words …
What comes out of the mouth of the one who tries to manipulate…
To degrin you easily.
To make you take a step back.
Listening to him with faith.
“Only he is right!”
There is no way those words that are psychically charged can attack you.
It was knowing deep down what happened.
Safety of your work.
What you can develop through your work.
The results of your work are excellent…
Sometimes for you too!
Your faith is quite developed…
Extremely powerful!
“Moving mountains” many times!
Creating and succeeding liberal spaces…
Looking over my shoulder…
You don’t!
Moving forward is important!
You notice that you left behind people whom you healed morally and physically!
Not many in number!
Enough to realize what psychic development…
Excelling through the calmness of active meditation.
Managing to manipulate yourself!
Inflating the bubble created by you!
To the exterior being purified by the idea of preconception.
Having the duty to easily humiliate the person they think is weak.
This is how the much-talked-about bullying ends up.
Found everywhere in the world.
Leaving school in old age.
Depending on the equipment entourage.
It is humanly easy to humiliate and scold a person.
The hard part is to make him feel what he is.
In the multitude of our creation on earth…
Departed from the desire for affirmation…
How do you know it appeared in preschool classes…
The supremacy is held by the one who is popular.
That means that person has created a status…
Ultimately proved negative.
The positivity of these events having in mind…
The idea of going out of context.
Placing yourself in anonymity surprised from afar.
Watching from a distance the burden of evil.
Believing himself to be popular, sometimes…
To the depths old men!
No longer needing the excellent derogatory manipulation of …
The people he aims to think are weak.
Having no idea of the other person’s way of thinking.
The level of knowledge is actually developed to those thought to be weak.
Or are they raised in this humiliating manipulation…
They in turn do the same.
They humiliate the people next to them…
Believing that this is the only way they can control them and make themselves heard!
Clearly and visibly…
It is a huge mistake made…
To them, to these people who think they can control everything by…
Denigrating the people around them.
Without thinking, evil turns on them.
It is a source of burdening the soul.
A mental agglomeration.
Extreme malice is born of the pride of manipulative success.
Disparaging supremacy can be strangled with difficulty…
Having horrible repercussions…
Leading to extreme depression…
Slightly resembling schizophrenia!
Refusing the treatments imposed by the reduced disease…
From psychic to unimaginable forms.
The harbor by murky water.
Flood resulting from the surplus of tiny nerves…
To the small growth.
By witnessing endless arguments…
Emotions that could never be by the psyche.
It remained deep in the subconscious.
They come out, sometimes, unexpectedly on the surface.
Insults to the awareness of advancing age.
On some stressful days…
For various reasons…
They come out of the mouth of the one who owns them.
The other should receive them.
Hardly accepted for a variety of reasons.
Accept psychological or psychiatric help!


The wishful affirmation of those who go to the gym…
Somewhat regularly!
How do they get it?
They complain that they are busy.
They don’t have time to go to the gym!
Like to assert themselves in various ways!
You can see some people on the street.
It can be seen from a distance that I’m going to the fitness room!
The walk is modified!
You say that they have been working on their feet they woke up they fell asleep!
Others have their arms too far away from the body!
From person to person!
The mental invasion is that you go to the gym to build muscle.
Some people get fat.
“Put meat on them!”
As they express themselves!
Others to lose weight!
Pumping for some a lot of food, others not at all.
Adding some extra protein.
Or I know what else is recommended from some stores with a sports profile.
On leaving the gym…
Passing a week of training.
They feel like kites!
Superman becomes a small child next to her.
In themselves, they can try their hand at anyone.
Physical strength mainly…
Adding a bit of mental strength.
Only leftovers from the subconscious passed through the surprising present.
You put us through the hard training…
For over months let’s not say years.
With endless repetitions of exercises.
The number of enriched series.
Simply realizing that development must be purely muscular.
Excluding the healthy and relaxing part.
At some point, the body becomes bored and tired.
It’s just as easy to stop training.
There are countless reasons against it.
Discipline to continue is imputed.
Reduced to the fact that you start to indulge in what you were.
Your plans with limited purpose…
Complaining on the way to work and…
Maybe the long walks by chance.
Staying with the praise that you went to the fitness room.
In denigrating you fall into your own denigration.
Continuing with the training…
Speaking of disciplined.
Who does not look for reasons not to train?
Believing in your own routines.
The subconscious lifts it from the laziness of its own armchair.
Having a little balance.
Climbing with the mind towards an eternal balance that cannot be found.
Leaving perfection aside.
Loving being a hard training buddy.
Making him become the faithful copy of what he dreamed of not long ago.
Giving up urging towards fitness is spoken and known…
Marginalizing gossip.



  • overhead press 10 x 10
  • reverse fly 4 x 15
  • lateral raise 4 x 15
  • shrug 4 x21



  • biceps curl 10 x 10
  • overhead triceps extensions 10 x 10

the second superset

  • hammer curl 4 x 21
  • triceps pushdown 4 x 21


  • alternating punch 4 x 40 secs
  • sandbag swing 4x 12
  • mountain climbers 4 x 30 secs
  • power push away 4 x 12

The training lasted one hour and eight minutes.
Big pain at the end.
The arms feel very strong.
The pumping was adequate.
More swollen you think.
A strength gathered from the pain gathered from the increased debt taken to other ranks.
Unimaginably hard work shoulders.
Feeling the muscle fibers.
Trying to surprise each somatic muscle insertion.
The pressure felt on the trapezius.
Defeating perfection through the imperfection of execution.
Attenuating the expressions gathered from the outside.
Feeling the unfolding of the elimination of tiny stress.
CReat on the side of these pressures.
Believing that one’s condition is brought about by something else entirely.
Feeling what was being expressed around us, surprised by the attitude.
Going over these obstacles with the passion for some training.
Training that penetrated every corner of your body.
Implanting in the subconscious the fact that you will never give up this training.
The excuses for not training will be short-lived.
Closing them and filing them away from the awareness of not marking days in which they do not perform physical exercises.
Detailing the expression of the exit from the unwanted comfort.
Escaping from the body overloaded with complexes in…
The nothingness of lifesaving exercises.
Believing and relying on your own influence…
Excluding derogatory competition from all sides.
Showing an exaltation of power…
Exuding its own influence.
Bringer of healthy parts.
Turn to faith…
In your forehead!
